
Even many

who actually voted for Biden are bitter.

THIS is what happens when you install a total screw-up in the White House.

Immorality Lefty Violence

Don’t freakin’ LIE

about how Leftists are not violent. They are. DUH!

And if YOU support them, You are being immoral! Knock it off and fly right!

Political philosophy


It’s a thing.

To make a diverse country work, you stay as far away as you can from national mandates and have policy made as locally as possible. The individual states make the VAST majority of policy.

So the Federal does a few things: Provides for the common defense (foreign policy). Promotes justice though the federal courts. Allows for general liberty. Regulates inter-state commerce.

Aaaand, that’s about it!



Who knew that race-baiting could be so profitable?

Current Events

It’s pretty

good news. It certainly doesn’t flip NY “red,” but it does mean that Jerry Waddler Nadler and Carolyn Maloney are in the same district and would have to face each other in a primary. Popcorn, please!

Science Wisdom


Why even bother? The risks of vaccination are NOT zero. Low, yes. Zero, no.

But what do you “buy” with that risk? Maybe you keep your job. Maybe you stay in college. OK, I get those calculations. But they are not medical calculations!

From a straight medical perspective, I just don’t take the risk (for me). But there are several factors in play, here.



Dang! Senile Joe is gonna have to get some ointment for thar sick burn!



meet anvil

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…

Elections Epic fail

It just gets

worse and worse for senile Joe. He’s in post-Watergate Richard Nixon territory, now.

And assuming free and fair elections in the mid-terms (NOT a safe assumption), the Dems will get utterly creamed. They will certainly lose the House, and probably the Senate.

Current Events

You can like

the outcome of a law and still be aware that it is bad law. And so it was with RvW.

You can be a big-time abortophile who wants every baby to be chopped up in the womb and yet still understand the legal weaknesses in RvW. It truly was one of the top 3 poor decisions the court has ever made! It is certainly as logically flawed as Dred Scott, and for the same reasons. Two peas in a pod…

Overturning RvW is NOT addressing the morality of abortion. It is ONLY returning jurisdiction to the states–where it rightly, constitutionally belongs. Please, don’t be confused on this. It is up to the people, through their elected representatives, to make this call.

The issue of abortion is rather incidental, here.

This really is not a tough intellectual issue, here.