
Good news for babies

in Idaho!

Psychopathic baby killers in Idaho hardest hit…



Imagine that!

Abortion Elections

Looks like

abortion won’t save Democrats.

Abortion Current Events

It honestly doesn’t

make much sense.


So just WHY

are Democrats so enamored with abortion? I mean, it is a nasty, brutal business in a charnel house! A very ugly procedure, on all levels.

Well, I think that for most Leftists it is A) Far enough removed from them that they don’t have visceral reaction to the gore and brutality of it, and B) it is a badge of identity for them. It proves to them and everyone else that they are, “Smarter than your average bear.” It is a sort of badge that declares which “tribe” they associate with. You know, “Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it!”


I think they just have to be upset about something, and a half-century ago, it became abortion. Abortion attacks the family, attacks the natural status of mothers and offends normal people. Heck, it’s got it all. The pro-abortion movement is really just a rebellious teenage girl trying to show daddy what for. 

And now they have a problem. The problem is that there really is no problem anymore. Justice Alito solved it. Go deal with abortion in your state. The red states are going to ban it or limit it. The blue states are going to enact 365-day-per-year hunting seasons for fetuses. And then it’s going to be done. Except for some election action at the margins, the abortion issue has been solved for the first time in 50 years. Some places aren’t going to have it, some will have it a little, and some will have it all the time.

Abortion Current Events

We are starting to

see that Democrats are not being benefitted by Dobbs anger.


Satan responds to

the fall of RvW.

DUUUDE! That is nothing but funny!


Yeah, just


Just tragic! Tragic for everyone involved. Everyone. Obviously, tragic for baby. And tragic for mom. But also tragic for dad, for the abortionist, for the nurses, for the office staff, for the would-be grandparents, for the would-be siblings. Tragic for anyone touched by this evil.


Abortion Current Events

The Left’s

approach to abortion:

Abortion Morality

Yes, let’s give

credit where credit is due.

Not only does Donald Trump deserve credit, and, of course, the courage of the six conservative justices who will no doubt be hunted for the rest of their lives, but the individual activists who persisted, and will continue to persist, for 50 years to get this terrible ruling undone. The people who pray outside abortion clinics deserve credit. The activists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s heinous actions like selling baby parts deserve credit. The women and men who donate and work at pregnancy assistance centers deserve credit. The marchers deserve credit. Patiently, these people have chipped away at a legal ruling that kills babies and souls.

Thank you, Donald Trump. ALL moral people thank you…

For those who would have preferred that to an imperfect politician doing the most righteous thing since Lincoln ended slavery? Recheck your priorities.

And check your morality!

As always, the Lefty lament:

The moral suckitude of the Left is just mind-boggling.

And another thought: Is it November yet?