Anti-scientific stance Bad Faith

Yeah, Fauci

is a scientific embarrassment!

I mean, how stupid would you have to be to say or believe that there is NO effect on the whole but the individual people that make up that whole show a scientific effect?

Huh? No really, THAT is Fauci’s argument!

Absolutely gobsmacking. How does anyone with even a smidgeon of scientific understanding believe such nonsense? Un-freakin’-believable!

It is just ridiculous in the extreme.

Wow. Fauci is clearly a liar.

Anti-scientific stance

It’s really quite

sobering and unexpected by me how quickly the science journals sold out.

I guess they were willing to sell their good names and science itself for a mess of political hackism potage…

But will truth make a comeback? It’s now just barely on the horizon, even.

Anti-scientific stance

Sorry, giving

the vaxx to kids is stupid and anti-scientific.

It is just wallowing in Lefty political hackism!

Anti-scientific stance Despotism Fighting Back

Hold on tight,

it’s coming again.

And I will not comply. And neither should you. This is utter and complete scientific nonsense! I’m tired of this bull crap.

YOU want me to wear a mask? Kiss my butt! At some point it is incumbent upon regular people to fight back…

Masking has never had “good data in community settings in the past” and “is literally incoherent now,” University of California San Francisco epidemiologist Vinay Prasad, who has questioned the research basis for masking, wrote on X regarding the New York City campaign.

Anti-scientific stance

Oh, really


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Covid dashboard shows just 1.7 percent of the 324 Covid deaths registered in the week ending August 19 had the coronavirus as the primary cause of death.

Guys, THIS IS THE CDC! It’s not some obscure right-winger saying this. It is the CDC itself. Care to think about what previous numbers were?

Anti-scientific stance Stooooopid!

Just remember

about masks, only a totally unscientific rube thinks they really work.

Like thinking a chain-link fence is an effective mosquito barrier!

Anti-scientific stance Darwinian Evolution

C’mon, man!

Anti-scientific stance Fraud

Look, with SIX

studies retracted, it is quite clear to even the dullest among us that the fraud was endemic to the overarching project.

Anti-scientific stance Captain Obvious

Lefties, be honest.

Aren’t you even a little embarrassed? How ’bout you come clean?

Anti-scientific stance Captain Obvious

LOTS of kooks

and their primitive talismans.

But the truth is, it’s an all-around bad idea. Bad for individuals and bad for businesses. We ALL need to mature out of this juvenile nonsense!

The mentally unwell Zero COVID people in the liberal media machine are very upset about a new policy from infamous West Coast burger chain In-N-Out. The policy bars workers from wearing masks unless they have a doctor’s note saying that wearing one is medically necessary.

… Masking as a prophylactic measure against COVID-19 has been thoroughly debunked as performative pseudoscience at this point… Furthermore, masking as a universal default practice is aesthetically displeasing and socially destructive, as reading facial expressions and responding accordingly is innate to human interaction, which is what In-N-Out was getting at in its statement.

But even if we were to take at face value the false claim that masking was a godsend in terms of preventing COVID transmission, the people upset about In-N-Out’s policy gave up the right to demand anything on behalf of workers after they pressured businesses to force-mask and force-vax millions of employees and then excused these measures under the guise of “private sector gets to set its own rules.” [emphasis added]

Look, it’s one one side as it is on the other. If it was morally OK to force vaxx and masking, it is morally OK to require NO vaxx or masking, or (in this case) to prohibit masking. It’s a private business, right? I mean, a lot of private jet owners don’t want a pilot who has gotten the jab! Do they not have the right to only hire un-vaxxed pilots?

Let’s be a little intellectually consistent, here!