Civil Rights


is not done. Let the “Biden” tears flow!

Civil Rights

Three cheers

for free speech!

The real reason that the lefties have been wailing and filling their diapers ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter is that Musk has been instrumental in exposing the totalitarian state chumminess between the Biden government and social media. They worked in concert to shut down anyone on the right who questioned the prevailing COVID narrative. 

Different article:

The attorneys general suing Biden and his henchmen had ample examples of censorship by a Civil Service-protected deep state .

In his order, he said, “In this case, Plaintiffs allege that Defendants suppressed conservative-leaning free speech, such as: 

“(1) suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; 
“(2) suppressing speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin; 
“(3) suppressing speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; 
“(4) suppressing speech about the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccines; 
“(5) suppressing speech about election integrity in the 2020 presidential election; 
“(6) suppressing speech about the security of voting by mail; 
“(7) suppressing parody content about Defendants;
“(8) suppressing negative posts about the economy; 
“and (9) suppressing negative posts about President Biden.”

Civil Rights

Biden loses

again. And rightly so.

“This is a monumental victory against the tyrannical ATF. Firearms Policy Coalition and [Firearms Policy Coalition] Law have argued that this rogue agency has unlawfully attacked gun owners in this latest round of ‘rulemaking,’ and we are grateful to see the court agree,” said Richard Thomson, FPC’s vice president of communications.

Second Amendment Foundation Founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said, “This decision amounts to another court blow to Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda, which threatens the very Constitution he swore to uphold and defend when he took office.”

“Biden” has WAY over-stepped his authority, here. And the courts have agreed.

Civil Rights

Well, what

do you know?

EVERY person who starts packing heat a) makes the community safer, and b) becomes a good deal more conservative.

So this is a very good thing!

Civil Rights Despotism


concealed mean concealed!

New York Democrats, still seeking to constrain concealed carry as much possible in the wake of the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) striking down the New York proper cause requirement, are finalizing legislation to bar concealed carry in all businesses, save those which explicitly invite concealed carry on their premises.

It won’t stand Constitutional scrutiny, you know…

Civil Rights

I just LOVE

a feel-good story!

Civil Rights



A district court judge on Wednesday halted the Biden administration’s new rule that would charge gun owners who failed to register their braced firearms with a felony, just hours before it was set to go into effect.

Civil Rights Evil

School shooters

may be crazy, but they’re not stupid!

We absolutely know how to make school shootings a VERY rare event. It’s just that Lefties love political power more than they love the safety of children.

If teachers’ and administrators’ first priority were to prevent harm to kids, they would arm themselves and get rid of the stupid “gun-free zone” nonsense. But no, they love power more! Let’s call a heart heart and a spade a spade.

Stupidest. Thing. EVAH! (that is, if your first priority were to protect kids)

But just think of the political earthquake that would happen if 20% of teachers started carrying and regularly voted to preserve that right! THAT is why Leftists are against arming teachers! It is a lust for power, pure and simple. And if a few kids have to die in order for them to preserve their power…

Yeah, you think gun control works in the United States–if you’re a simpleton!

Civil Rights Current Events

Yeah, ya

think maybe?

Civil Rights Lefty Political Strategy


she does!

The evil strategy is to cloak misery-producing things in “fairness” and such. Because who could be against fairness?