

is good news!

But there is mourning for the “Red Wave” that should have been, and would have been but for the incompetence (or malice) of Mitch McConnell and other GOP “leaders.” <sigh>

Still, it’s likely (but certainly not for sure) that Republicans will take the House, and the Senate depends entirely on the outcome of the Walker/Warnock runoff in GA. So we’ll see…



It matters. Yes, Democrats WILL cheat (and water is wet), but go vote anyway.


Early voting is the devil and should die a hideous death. The only people who should vote by mail are deployed military personnel, people who are expatriated for work, and people who are too physically ill to get to the polls. Participation in either for convenience is just enabling the Democrat fraud machine. [emphasis added]

I would add, DO NOT AID AND ABET FRAUD! If you want a functioning republic, you don’t want vote by mail. Don’t be snookered by the cunning (yet false) arguments of the (some unwitting) fraudsters.

While today is certainly one of optimism for those of us on the political right, we must always be wary of the Democrats’ well-oiled election fraud machine. I frequently tell conservatives not to despair about voter fraud to the point of not voting anymore but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about it.

ANYONE who tells you not to vote is NOT your friend, nor does he or she have your interests at heart. They are at least a dupe, and maybe an opposition member.

Gee, I wonder how many magical mystery ballots will show up this time!


Well, you know,

these kinds of things happen…



Governors are feeling the heat that stems from their actions.

Good. Vote these bastards out!

Some of the Democratic governors most associated with harsh and prolonged COVID-19 lockdowns are facing stiff electoral headwinds in the midterms, while Republicans who endured national scorn by quickly reopening their states are cruising toward reelection.


Well, we

shall see. But I do hope so!


Yeah, I sure

hope so. I’ve been jilted all too often in politics not to be more than a bit restrained. Plus, I know the amount of cheating Democrats will inevitably do…

So yes, I am encouraged and hopeful. But we need to run through the tape, not to the tape!


Wait for it,

wait for it

And GO VOLUNTEER! Democrats will cheat their butts off, and we need honest people working the voting places! At least go be an observer…

In two liberal strongholds, Clark County, Nevada, and Miami-Dade, Florida, Republicans are winning the early vote—and it has some Democrats in complete panic mode.


Well I really

hope that is true!

The model from RealClearPolitics shows that the GOP will control the Senate with 54 seats, as compared to Democrats’ 46 seats. It predicted that Republicans will now likely take seats in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire.

Still, I think that these result assume no widespread voter fraud. And with the Democrats, that is FAR from a safe assumption. So in a free and fair election, yes. But this election is quite likely to be neither free nor fair…

Just my “gut” assumption is that Republicans re-take the House, but due to voter fraud remain the minority in a very closely divided Senate. I dearly hope I am wrong!


Let’s just hope

Oz wins. Beyond the fraud that indubitably will take place.

Elections Epic fail

I think that

this pretty much counts as an in-kind donation to Vance, doesn’t it?