Evil Clown Incompetence

Yes, yes

he did…

Let’s start the healing in November.

Honestly, Joe Biden is a curious mixture of evil and incompetence. I was wise enough to not vote for him. Were you?

Well, you get another chance to do what is good for the country in November…

It’s pretty dang clear to even the dullest among us…

Evil Clown

Yeah, THIS

is what incoherent flailing looks like.

Earlier, Stephen Green reported on OPEC+ slashing its oil output by two million barrels. This after, as Stephen put it, Joe Biden went to OPEC+ with “hat in hand” (and a gas can in the other) to ask for more oil. Request denied. And gas prices will probably go up. But don’t worry! The (P)Resident of the United States has a plan! It’s all good! We’ll just… dip into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve! Again.

…If only there was more oil, somewhere. Anywhere. Oil that we could just take right out of the ground, right here in the United States. If only.

The problem is that this puts us ALL at huge risk. Biden’s crappy poll numbers are NOT a national emergency. And if “Biden” depletes the reserves in a vain attempt to save his sorry butt, just what happens if there is a real emergency?

Here are some numbers from the Utah Division of Oil Gas and Mining. Keep in mind, these are just for Utah and do not reflect the available resources in the rest of the country. In 2018, wells Utah and Uinta [counties] produced 37,116,941 barrels of oil. By 2022, that number had dropped to 20,748,304. That is a loss of 16,368,637 barrels. In 2018, natural gas production was at 295,825,783 mcf (thousand per cubic foot). By 2022, that number was at 126,130,632, a dip of 169,695,151 mcf. Again, those numbers are for just one state. As I have said before, I have been to places in Utah where these resources were seeping out of the ground on their own.

Does “Biden” want misery for everyone but him? It certainly seems that way. Why else would he throttle US oil production and then beg OPEC+ to drill for more?

The best interpretation one can rationally give is that this is ignorantly self-serving and rigidly (and stupidly) adhering to Lefty wacko “environmentalism.” At worst is that it is calculated maliciousness. It is likely somewhere in between.

Evil Clown

Federal solution, eh?

Huh, who would have thought of THAT?

Epic fail Evil Clown

Yeah, the memes

just kind of write themselves.

Evil Clown


the issues, eh?

Buffoons Evil Clown


This really makes me scratch my head.

You’d have to be a total moron to vote for this guy!

Evil Clown Lefty Culture

Yeah, it’s

a problem.

… Followed by a bumbling explanation by the White House press secretary on why the president forgot about Walorski’s death, the incident fueled concerns about Biden’s mental state.

John Zogby is an obvious Biden apologist and shill. If he wants to retain a shred of credibility, he needs to hew closer to reality. Cute (and irrelevant) stories about his past simply won’t cut it. Because at this juncture it is very unclear what color the sky is in Biden’s world…

BUT, I will give Zogby credit: Unlike most Democrats he has bucked Lefty culture so far and is willing to stand in the breech and make a case! I may disagree with him, but at least he is not an intellectual midget and coward. He is a Leftist who stands up for what he believes.

And THAT is a dying breed…

Epic fail Evil Clown

Yes, welcome to

the Biden Pleasure Dome. Hey fool, that’s your 401K that is in the toilet!

And if you voted for Biden, you freakin’ deserve it! Unfortunately, MANY of us don’t…

Bad Faith Evil Clown

There is no need

to be baffled. Mitt Romney IS a Democrat!

He lied to the people of Utah, presenting himself as something he wasn’t, in order to get elected. He is the Manchurian Senator. He is fundamentally dishonest. But the good people of Utah were tricked once, but he won’t be elected again, if he even tries.

And I think this signals that he has decided not to even try again. So he just now lets his moral-midget turd freak flag fly.

Unlike every other Republican senator, the 2012 failed Republican presidential candidate is declining to express a preference in Republican Lee’s re-election effort against Democrat-endorsed Evan McMullin.

… A new poll from Deseret News and the Hinckley Institute of Politics claims McMullin is only 2 percentage points behind Lee, with a full 16 percent of respondents unsure who they will vote for. The poll is admittedly somewhat difficult to believe, and not just because it was conducted by a pollster with a history of dramatically overstating the electoral appeal of McMullin. The group’s final 2016 poll, for example, showed McMullin losing Utah’s presidential contest by only 2 points to Donald Trump. The final result was that Trump bested McMullin, who actually came in third behind Hillary Clinton, by 25 points.

Sorry, Romney is a moral and ethical dirtbag. I also was fooled, but I am sorry I ever voted for that crap-tastic … jerk (for President)!

Epic fail Evil Clown

Well really,

NOT a surprise at all! DUH!

It’s the Biden recession, plain and simple. Things were going fine and “Biden” 1) cheated to get elected and then once in office, 2) made a complete hash of things.

There has never been such a stark contrast between Leftism and Conservatism, and THAT’s why Lefties are having an absolute kitten right now. Because the difference is SO obvious now that anyone with greater than room-temperature IQ sees is. Oh, they may deny it for advertising purposes, but it is pretty dang obvious to anyone who has two brain cells to rub together for warmth!

The verdict: Leftism just SUCKS! The cogent reply to Leftism:

[Leftists], what you’ve just [done] is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever [seen]. At no point in your rambling, incoherent, [evil behavior] were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought [or action]. Everyone in this [country] is now dumber [and far worse off] for having [been involuntarily subjected] to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.