Evil Clown

Often, evil will

doth evil mar

Evil Clown

What, are you

EVIL, or just paste-eatingly stupid?

Dishonesty Evil Clown

It really is not

a fallback position per se. It’s really just a strategic fall-back position.

Basically, Leftists almost universally backed a position that turned out to be nothing but crap and that materially harmed virtually everyone (especially young children).

And now they are fleeing from that history. So they hope that either a) people won’t remember, or b) they can baldly lie their way out of this cul-de-sac.

Here is the defensive latest Lefty position:

The narrative now goes something like this: Lockdowns never really happened, because governments never actually locked people in their homes; but if there were lockdowns, then they saved millions of lives and would have saved even more if only they’d been stricter; but if there were any collateral damage, then that damage was an inevitable consequence of the fear from the virus independent of the lockdowns; and even when things were shut down, the rules weren’t very strict; but even when the rules were strict, we didn’t really support them.

But they are frantically running from the “stink” of their former positions.

… By pretending that all of these horrors were attributable to public panic, apologists for the response to Covid are attempting to shift blame away from the political machines that imposed lockdowns and mandates onto individuals and their families. This is, of course, despicable and bunk. People did not voluntarily go hungry, or stand in the freezing cold to get food, or remove themselves from hospitals while they were still sick, or bankrupt their own businesses, or force their own kids to sit outside in the cold, [or fill in skate parks with sand] or march hundreds of miles in exodus after losing their jobs in factories.

Don’t fall for it!

Evil Clown

How bizarre, how


Is Abrams so lacking in self-awareness that she doesn’t believe she’s as far behind as she is? Or has she so fallen in love with the left-wing press about her that she thinks she can still pull it off by appearing onstage with a foul-mouthed rapper? Either way, she can’t seem to stop embarrassing herself.

Evil Clown Poetic Justice

Cue the

sad trombone: wah, wah, wah, waaaaah! So the CDC director who assured us that we couldn’t catch COVID if we were vaccinated… (wait for it, waaait for it….) catches COVID. Wow.

Walensky is described as “up to date” on her vaccines, which refers to the agency’s recommendation that Americans get one or more boosters after a primary series, depending on when a person receives their initial shots.

… “She received the bivalent booster exactly one month ago at a CVS pharmacy. Right now, she’s probably in the window where the booster exerts the greatest protective effect it could possibly exert, yet still: look what happened,” he wrote in a blog post. [emphasis added]

Evil Clown Fighting Back



I’m not sure what the color of the sky is in HIS world! Probably Neapolitan…

Yeah, Biden is a senile, delusional old creep! If YOU voted for him, you should be ashamed of yourself. Now go, and do better…

Together, let’s start fixing things in November!

Evil Clown



American families will pay far more to heat their homes this winter, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which predicts that some people will see bills as much as 28 percent higher compared to last winter, with the grim outlook coming as households expect inflation to rise and the economy to get worse.

And thanks to the morons who voted for him!

Evil Clown Incompetence

Yes, yes

he did…

Let’s start the healing in November.

Honestly, Joe Biden is a curious mixture of evil and incompetence. I was wise enough to not vote for him. Were you?

Well, you get another chance to do what is good for the country in November…

It’s pretty dang clear to even the dullest among us…

Evil Clown

Yeah, THIS

is what incoherent flailing looks like.

Earlier, Stephen Green reported on OPEC+ slashing its oil output by two million barrels. This after, as Stephen put it, Joe Biden went to OPEC+ with “hat in hand” (and a gas can in the other) to ask for more oil. Request denied. And gas prices will probably go up. But don’t worry! The (P)Resident of the United States has a plan! It’s all good! We’ll just… dip into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve! Again.

…If only there was more oil, somewhere. Anywhere. Oil that we could just take right out of the ground, right here in the United States. If only.

The problem is that this puts us ALL at huge risk. Biden’s crappy poll numbers are NOT a national emergency. And if “Biden” depletes the reserves in a vain attempt to save his sorry butt, just what happens if there is a real emergency?

Here are some numbers from the Utah Division of Oil Gas and Mining. Keep in mind, these are just for Utah and do not reflect the available resources in the rest of the country. In 2018, wells Utah and Uinta [counties] produced 37,116,941 barrels of oil. By 2022, that number had dropped to 20,748,304. That is a loss of 16,368,637 barrels. In 2018, natural gas production was at 295,825,783 mcf (thousand per cubic foot). By 2022, that number was at 126,130,632, a dip of 169,695,151 mcf. Again, those numbers are for just one state. As I have said before, I have been to places in Utah where these resources were seeping out of the ground on their own.

Does “Biden” want misery for everyone but him? It certainly seems that way. Why else would he throttle US oil production and then beg OPEC+ to drill for more?

The best interpretation one can rationally give is that this is ignorantly self-serving and rigidly (and stupidly) adhering to Lefty wacko “environmentalism.” At worst is that it is calculated maliciousness. It is likely somewhere in between.

Evil Clown

Federal solution, eh?

Huh, who would have thought of THAT?