Biden-Induced Human Misery Evil

The inevitable

consequence of Joe Biden’s immigration policies. Joe simply has blood on his hands!

Captain Obvious Evil Fighting Back

I’m telling you

folks, it makes NO difference at all who it is: Anyone who runs for office who is at least center-right will be hounded incessantly by the Left. It is an intense maliciousness that never sleeps!

These attacks are all a message to anyone who would dare to run as a conservative. Do so, and we will stop at nothing to destroy you.

Even some conservatives have gone wobbly! They need to buck up a bit…

Having said all that, we’ve now reached a point where even if you hate Trump’s behavior, despise his temperament, think he isn’t a pure-enough conservative, or would prefer someone else less toxic carry the conservative banner, the choice is clear — either support Trump or condone the anti-democratic, extra-legal, election-integrity-destroying tactics of the left, which will forever poison the American political system, and will mean the end of conservatism in the U.S. for the foreseeable future.

… Those who think this is just about Trump, or that Trump is a special case, or that once we get Trump out of the picture civility will return, are deluding themselves. If Mister Rogers ran as a conservative he’d be just as viciously attacked.

Since then, the left has added lawfare to its arsenal, which has now reached peak absurdity for the simple reason that Trump refuses to give in. But make no mistake, scalping Trump will only whet the left’s appetite for more scalps.

But perhaps with the recent absurd court action and the manifestly unfair blocking of appeal, things have hit the tipping point. I sure hope so!

Evil Human Misery

Shedding is associated

the mRNA COVID “vaccine.” What that means is that the damaging spike protein that the COVID shot makes the recipient produce is “shed” and may be excreted in all sorts of bodily fluids such as sweat, semen, breast milk, and even exhaled breath. And for breastmilk, the acidic stomach is NOT a foolproof barrier…

That means that even if YOU are not vaccinated, you can still get the spike protein from your buddy–or your massage therapist. It’s not for sure, and some people are more susceptible to such exposure than others. But the truth is that person A, who got vaccinated, can cause person B (who didn’t) to get gravely ill with the spike protein.


Disgusting! Evil

Yes, that is NY

for you! Get some sleazy jerkwad of a “judge” to make some obscene Lefty ruling from his bench on his kangaroo court! What a horse’s butt!

You know it won’t stand, don’t you? This guy even looks totally dissipated!

Those of us who value justice are totally disgusted. Maybe some of you are showing your true colors. Again.

Evil Government Thuggery

People are getting

really sick of the illegal immigrant nastiness of the vote-shopping Democrats!

On Monday, Lakewood residents packed a city council meeting demanding that their elected officials create policies to prevent the sort of mess that is swamping Denver, CPR News reported.

Anger Barbaric! Evil

Let’s put the

budget and spending into a little perspective, here:

It’s truly outrageous! It seems impossible that our leaders could be so grossly irresponsible. What the crap are they thinking?

Evil Justice Media Flying Monkeys

I think

this is why we have seen the lackey MSM pile on Joe Biden these last few days. They knew it was coming!

And now there are hearings where things are coming out!

It just doesn’t stop!


It’s all starting to see the light of day.

THIS is why the MSM is starting to turn on Joe Biden. It is not honesty, it is a stampede of rats leaping off a sinking ship!

Evil Truth

WOW! This

ad is just brutal! True all around, but brutal. THIS is the world Joe Biden is giving YOU!


“Biden’s” new border

bill TOTALLY sucks. But, to quote Jane Austen, “and yet he IS such a man…”

Maybe Trump will get elected and then we can get a bit back to normal

Captain Obvious Evil Lefty Political Strategy

I think we ALL

know what the Democrat strategy is here, don’t we? I mean, it’s pretty dang obvious!