Evil Clown Psychopathology

Look, according

to Baldwin, the gun is the guilty party, not HIM!

Honestly, has there ever been a more ridiculous claim?

“The idea that the person holding the gun and causing it to discharge is not responsible is absurd,” said Halyna’s husband, Matt Hutchins, in an interview with Today. As absurd as it might seem, though, that’s exactly what Baldwin and other anti-gun activists want us to believe. 

… Baldwin and the other anti-Second Amendment activists apparently missed philosophy 101. Inanimate objects, like firearms, are not intrinsically evil. The actions of a gun-wielder, however, can be. 

… Baldwin did not intentionally kill Hutchins, but he is responsible for his negligence. His disregard for gun safety could be compared to a distracted driver accidentally hitting and killing a pedestrian. The driver did not mean to hit the person, but his irresponsible decisions resulted in death, leaving him to bear some level of culpability. [emphasis added]


Yep, frank

paranoid delusions. But hey, a lot of people get a bit paranoid when they get senile!

Meanwhile, Biden was also paranoid about the Secret Service because he thought some of them likely supported President Donald Trump and were “MAGA sympathizers,” and the agency “is full of white ex-cops from the South who tend to be deeply conservative.” Whipple claimed Biden “wasn’t taking any chances,” and “wary of his own Secret Service agents, the president no longer spoke freely in their presence.” Supposedly, he also was concerned after Secret Service messages about Jan. 6 were deleted.


Uhm, scumbag

hypocrisy. He should be embarrassed by his rank hypocrisy. But like MOST dead-ender Democrats, he won’t be. These folks are characterologically incapable of shame.

Sumpin’ WRONG with them!


Indeed they don’t

And then you add an inflated sense of self and a cocksure sense of moral and intellectual superiority, and voila! you have a modern Leftist…

And there ate terrible consequences:

Captain Obvious Psychopathology

Yes, Kanyé is one

seriously disturbed dude. We ALL can see that.


Please understand,

when we talk about the overweening narcissism of Leftists, we may be missing something. Because we are actually often talking about the extreme sense of “emptiness” that narcissists frantically try to fill with “I’m so awesome” attitudes and exerting control and dominion over others.

There is a very good reason why Narcissistic Personality Disorder is in the same diagnostic “cluster” as Borderline Personality Disorder (whose defining characteristic is this feeling of emptiness). They are actually very similar to each other and we almost always (clinically) see people with traits of both–though males tend toward Narcissistic PD while females tend toward Borderline PD.

Indeed, ALL the “Cluster B” Personality Disorders feature this same unstable and “hollow” sense of self, though the strategies for self-soothing may be different for each one (and the “depth” of the void–and therefore the severity of the PD–is on a continuum). And this article is one of the best I’ve ever seen on the subject. And this guy isn’t even a Psychologist!

 In its clinical definition, narcissism is not self-love — it’s the opposite. The narcissist isn’t full of ego. Rather, he has no real sense of self. Where the self would be is emptiness, which results in a mad effort to fill the psyche with meaning. Lacking a stable and confident sense of identity, the narcissist hunts for meaning in therapy, self-help, sex, or radical politics. None of these can give meaning to empty lives.

Leftism is very often what gives life meaning for these folks. It is a way to somehow fill the void that is within them. Moral agency and allowing people to actually have freedom just won’t do that!

Evil Clown Psychopathology

Get rid of

this turd. He is befuddled–he thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is a threat to the nation.

Malignant narcissism.

Civil Rights Psychopathology


you seem intent on digging your own grave.

I think this is a demonstration of the un-self-aware and rather toxic narcissism of the Left. After a lifetime of participation trophies and self-esteem nonsense, they assume that because they think a certain way, it is the correct way to think.

Well, not so much…

Political philosophy Psychopathology

Well, you know,

they could use persuasion! Of course, that is NOT the Lefty way. And that is why they are frantically searching for other options!

How about you make a freakin’ argument, Lefties! The problem is that Democrats have let their logical argument muscles atrophy to nearly nothing. Most of that is borne out of having a very weak argument that simply can’t bear the weight of logical dissent in the first place.

The other part is that it is an existential threat for most Lefties to be proven wrong. So to avoid the narcissistic insult of that, they just won’t argue.

And THAT approach has left their “persuasion muscles” mere vestigial appendages…

Bad Faith Psychopathology

Yep, if you are

an apologist for this fraud, you can’t even really consider yourself informed without seeing this.

And honestly, if I could ever get a Lefty to stand up and defend himself, one of the first questions I would as is, “Have you seen 2000 Mules? Why or why not? If you haven’t, just what are you afraid of? And what does that say about YOU?”

See, the psychopathological avoidance is STRONG with the Left. But don’t gimme no crap–just why have you not seen it?

I think we ALL know why

They are NOT serious. They are NOT “honest brokers.” They are acting in bad faith. Don’t be bamboozled by these charlatans!