
Yeah, pretty much…

I think the real questions is when the hardcore Democrat shills are going to abandon “Biden.” Less rigid Democrats are already doing so, but what about the Democrat “dead-enders?”

I mean, recent polling makes it mathematically impossible for a chunk of Democrats not to have abandoned “Biden.”

So will the rest follow? Or will they continue to grimly hold on by their fingernails?



believable! Oh my Heavens!

I’ve been around psychopathology A TON in my career. And this is still breathtaking for me.

A bobblehead? Really?

Wow! Can you say, “malignant narcissism?” Holy crap! This is the 50 megaton atomic bomb of psychopathology! 

Think about it: Would YOU decorate your office with photos of YOU with famous people? Think about how you would have to BE in order to do that. I mean, a photo of you with a famous person would just generate a shrug from me.

But this? And you make sure a prominent interview takes place there so you can flaunt it!

But an entire shrine wall? That you make sure is seen? THIS, my friends, is gross personality pathology…

Oh, and here is the HOME office:

Me, me, ME!

Just think about the level of psychopathology demonstrated in these photos!

Anti-scientific stance Psychopathology

In other

news, many Democrats are freakin’ psychotic!

THIS is the triumph of delusion over fact. It shows plain as day that many Democrats are raging partisans that hold to their beliefs with religious intensity!

They are NOT the classic liars, but it an amalgam of malignant ass-hattery and a delusional clinging to Lefty narrative over reality.

From such turn away!

Epistemology Psychopathology

Yes, daddy


In 2018, according to the Pew data, college graduates — of both sexes — voted for Biden over Trump by a 26-point margin. Much of the male portion of that group is ruing their Biden votes, as the new NBC numbers show. So why are lots of men willing to admit that they were wrong in 2020, while the college-educated women as a group are not only not sharing regrets but doubling down?

And THIS is exactly it for Democrat women and also for many dyed-in-the-wool Democrat male voters:

And if college-educated women admit they were wrong about Trump and Biden in 2020, where does it stop? Once “fierce women” admit they could be wrong about something so big as their selection of the president of the formerly free world, that opens the door for being wrong about other big things that contradict their conception of always being right to follow their feelings.

In other words, it’s narcissism. It’s malignant self-esteem. See, a Leftist admitting they were wrong about one thing sends that whole political house of cards tumbling down! Leftists in general can’t tolerate being wrong about anything, because naturally, if they are not rooted in facts and reason about one thing, do they have reliable knowledge about other things?

And just how would you know?

Buffoons Civil Rights Psychopathology

Yes, well

mental illness is all around us!


It’s very interesting.

I am intrigued. But we need to be VERY careful, here. And micro-dosing may well be the answer. Let’s see what the studies suggest. But in the last two years or so, I have seen a TON of research and interest on this!

And understand well, this NOT correcting some imaginary “chemical imbalance.” It is a way to fill in the “ruts” in the brain caused by stinkin’ thinkin’. And THAT makes a lot of sense.

I can see psychologists saying, “OK, now that we have the ‘ruts’ filled in, what does good thinking look like?” So good treatment would be dual-pronged.

Lefty Political Philosophy Psychopathology

A really good lesson

for Leftists:

See, Leftists almost always can’t handle rational argument or disagreement. It has become part of the Lefty “Rules” to never leave the Lefty “Circle of Safety” and intellectually engage. Part of it is the intellectual weakness of their arguments. But a good deal of it is the overweening narcissism of most Leftists.

And this problem started with the bastardization of the self-esteem movement. Though THAT is an argument for another day…

It’s all feelings, and no facts. And since it’s hard to argue against feelings, Leftists never really have to defend or justify their ideas. YOU are just a jerk to try and argue with them! And what they do is therefore most often oblivious to facts and rationality.

So, for several important reasons Leftists don’t dare put their theories and beliefs on the line. There’s no more “Crossfire” for a reason! It’s much easier for them to pretend that they are persecuted and run off to some friendly, fetid Lefty fever swamp rather than engage in rational argument!

And therefore it is damning. ALL progress is stopped, which IS the definition of “damnation.” We can call it “Epistemological Closure” if we want to get all fancy-dancy, but it is more common to use the word, “damnation.” We think we know the answers so we are simply not willing to consider alternative explanations. THAT is Epistemological Closure.

And it’s both rigid and fragile. ANY contrary information threatens to bring down the whole house of cards! Because if I was wrong on THIS after being so cocksure of it, what else might I be wrong about?