Current Events Epistemology

Here’s more COVID

damage that we are seeing: The death of trust in experts. COVIDIANS can’t tell the Truth any more than a dog-faced baboon or some still stranger creature! (thanks, Socrates–though he seems to have mostly been addressing biological reductionism–still, it attaches here)

And I agree, that current thinking is mainly a result of the university focus on a jaded and cynical Post-Modern know-nothingism (though it is almost totally un-self-conscious). Because if there IS no non-meaningless fact and ALL is a Nietzschean will to power, there is no “Truth,” even in what the “experts” are saying! THAT is Post-Modernism!

Yes, the legacy of COVID is Nietzschean. Or Nihilistic, actually.

It’s not the death of God that we are facing (as Nietzsche famously argued), it is the death of trust in experts. For many, the belief in God is very much alive! But belief in experts? Eh, it has taken a bit of a hit, lately…

Deception Pandemic Panic Porn Pimps

There were just

so many gulls! Decent people didn’t think that government (and Fauci) would lie so. It was just so hard to believe. As they say, “To the pure all things are pure….”

Others were just not willing to follow the science and stand up. And I agree, it was a devil’s dilemma. “Look, I just went $200 grand into debt for med school, and I must comply with this in order to financially survive!”

And there was just enough, “Well, maybe” about it to hoodwink a TON of people! Because I think most people are good and would happily get the jab if they truly thought it was the right thing to do. But it wasn’t…

But the real problem is that now that they have “cried wolf,” what happens NEXT time? Because you know there will be a next time. And what if the wolf is real next time?

Yeah, that’s the problem with lying… They have really inflicted damage on us.


It’s absolutely

true. States should take action accordingly!



You know, I’m not stupid. Quit lying. I was there. Your “Old Jedi Mind Trick” has absolutely no effect on me! So stop your stupid gaslighting. Your money’s no good in here…

Illegal Immigration Perfidy

I agree, it’s

going to be really interesting to see how this shakes out!

Discrimination Racism

I hope Jewish

students sue Harvard’s butt off!

A group of Jewish students are suing Harvard University over “severe and pervasive” antisemitism on campus, claiming that Harvard has not done nearly enough to protect Jewish students since Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel.

… The students are claiming that Harvard has violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They’re calling for Harvard to hand down discipline against students and professors “responsible for antisemitic discrimination and abuse, whether because they engage in it or permit it.”

Next on the docket? MIT.


Uhm, yes.

Yes they are.

There are limits to Lefty posturing and prancing…

Why? What is so important about renewables? Why should any green care whether the emission reductions are achieved by nuclear energy rather than renewables? Haven’t they got a planet to save?

Banana Republic of Brandon Lefty Political Strategy

Yes, you know

the strategy: When the facts are not on your side, go full demagogue and demonize your opponents! It’s the Democrat way…

Current Events

Sure, but

don’t get cocky!

A 9 point margin is solid. At least, it used to be. In days gone by, the generic ballot favored Democrats, and if it was even close, it portended a GOP victory. I don’t think that is still true.

Current Events

How do we get

people to do vaccines?

I think that is exactly the wrong question. I don’t think vaccine willingness has shifted one iota.

And the photo is of a child with measles? REALLY? If the mRNA shot worked as well as the measles vaccine, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, now would we?

Well, if the government stopped freakin’ lying that would sure be helpful in addressing hesitancy! Look, I am NOT against vaccines. I have even recently used them (shingles and pneumonia), often recommend them, and find them to be of great value. Some of my friends don’t believe that, and I have no desire to try and force my beliefs on them. None whatsoever.

BUT, the COVID mRNA shot is simply not a vaccine. It doesn’t protect against infection. It doesn’t prevent transmission. It doesn’t even decrease severity of symptoms. IT IS NOT A VACCINE! So let’s not confuse my stance on vaccines with my stance on the COVID mRNA jab. Those are two totally different things!

And the risk-to-benefit ratio for the mRNA shot is ALL risk and no intrinsic benefit! So for me, no–I won’t take it. YOU do whatever you want. I don’t want to coerce you, and I have no intention of letting you coerce me.