Current Events


it’s bad. Really bad.

If Biden sinks much lower in the polls, he will have worse numbers than Richard Nixon did. And these numbers caused Nixon to resign!

And YOU. Did YOU vote for him? Holy crap! What on earth were you thinking?

Current Events

Is privacy

(for DC Republicans) dead? I mean, just who leaked the call between McCarthy and Cheney? Liz Cheney said she didn’t leak it. Yet it was recorded by someone, and that someone leaked it to Rachel Maddow.

So is McCarthy under surveillance by the Deep State? Who had the technological resources to surreptitiously record his private phone call? And what other phone calls were recorded?

If YOU are not very concerned, you are just not aware!

Before we leap to conclusions and demand the tough action against  McCarthy, we have to remember who the actors are. They are Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and reporters from the New York Times. These are the very organizations and individuals who relentlessly peddled vicious lies about President Trump that he had colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 elections.

It’s true: This story is pedaled by known liars. Is the story accurate? Well, Trump himself didn’t find it serious enough to throw McCarthy under the bus, and we ALL know that Trump is plenty capable of doing that!

… In the past, both General Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were subjected to surveillance without much justification and the details were leaked to the media.

Is it conceivable that spying on GOP personnel is now standard practice in Washington in order that conversations can be leaked to the media and be amplified for political purposes? That would be undemocratic and unfortunate. It would place the US in the same league of 3rd world nations or totalitarian states where opponents are surveilled. 

This is quite disturbing. And it is fast becoming a pattern for the Democrats. They are now cornered rats, and therefore very dangerous!

If history has taught us anything, it is obvious that the GOP upon winning in 2023 will be subjected to hell after their victory. There is a likelihood that the Democrats may not accept the results. If they do accept the results, they may use their activist wing to permanently occupy Washington and conduct protests each time the GOP attempts to pass their agenda.

I think this is the latest and greatest argument for de-centralization of Senators and Representatives.

Current Events

Yes, I would

FAR prefer Scalise to McCarthy. Far.

Again, if I were a House member, I would happily vote for Scalise over McCarthy.

But I’m pretty sure that McCarthy will survive. I hope he is sufficiently chastened. And a chastened McCarthy might be very good, indeed. He may be eager to show just how conservative he actually is!

And of course, McCarthy is light years better than the execrable Nancy Pelosi, so there’s THAT…

Current Events

Guys, it’s

starting to happen. I mean, Hispanics are generally FAR too religious and culturally conservative to be solid Democrats. It was never a good fit, though Democrats are still bound and determined to pound this square peg into a round hole.

Yeah, no…

Mr. Jimenez is not the only one, polls are showing a 20-point shift towards Republicans among Hispanic voters.[emphasis added]

… He also believes that progressive policy on immigration is out of step with Hispanic voters: “There’s this notion that Hispanics agree with open borders and that Hispanics agree with illegal immigration, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth,” he stated. He is not the only one who feels this way.

Current Events

Well, THAT

is good.

Enough of the crap-eating nonsense!

Current Events

He seemed like

a good guy. I especially liked him in his later, “I’m not taking no more Lefty crap” years.

I mean, Lindsay Graham has blown hot and cold on this. But his buddy Orrin was a bit older and had outgrown that awkward stage…


Say it with me:

Get woke, go broke.

When will the Left EVER learn?

Current Events

Let me just

go on record: I don’t want McCarthy (CA 23) around. If I were in the House I would almost for sure not vote for him for Speaker if there were any other choice. He is a liar, and this latest thing shows that in high relief.

But of course I would vote for him over Nancy Pelosi.

And this isn’t at all about Trump. It is about McCarthy being a liar!

McCarthy: In the immortal words of Tom Petty, “Don’t come ’round here no more.”

On the other hand, the Democrats and the MSM (though I repeat myself) are working HARD to drive a wedge between Trump and Conservative voters, and I don’t want to fall into their trap! They are MORE than happy to throw McCarthy under the bus.

I think we Conservatives were stung by what a horrible RINO turd Paul Ryan turned out to be, and now are more than a little skittish. And the tolerance for RINOs is decreasing mostly rapidly…


Sure, but now

is NOT the time for Conservatives to get complacent!

Remember the first rule regarding Democrats: They cheat.

So volunteer, especially locally. Man the polling places. Help count the votes. And do it without revealing your preferences (so you don’t get black-balled). Help stop the steal.

Epic fail

This truly

is an epic failure.

Yeah, it’s funny.

That $300 MILLION CNN spent on this–they might as well have put all that cash in a pile, dumped gasoline on it, and set it on fire. That would have done just as much good.