


People are mightily torqued. And rightly so.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over. And you KNOW Democrats will cheat. Hey, they’re Democrats–it’s what they DO.


Yeah, well

OF COURSE he does!

DeSantis, however, has continued to double down, pointing to the great hypocrisy of Democrat elites, who deported the migrants off the wealthy island within 48 hours. He also questioned how Democrat elites expect everyday American communities to absorb the cost and burden of taking in migrants when the rich island of elites claimed that they lacked resources for just 50 migrants.

Current Events Elections

Democrats, be afraid.

Be very afraid.


And THAT is

why there will be massive Democrat cheating. Still:

So while the generic ballot seems to be shrinking as undecideds start to make their selection, it is hard to believe Democrats will cover the gap. Voters are less happy with the direction of the nation than they were a year ago and no more pleased than they were with President Biden. Like it or not, he is the leader of the party, and he is setting the direction for the country.

… The bad news for Cohn is that the Democrats’ comfortable leads in Arizona and Pennsylvania are evaporating. The latest poll from Trafalgar Group shows incumbent Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) is now clinging to a 1.2% advantage over Republican challenger Blake Masters. In the Arizona gubernatorial race, Trafalgar shows Republican Kari Lake with more than a four-point lead over the Democrat challenger. It is hard to believe Lake does not have coattails sufficient to push Masters over the line.

… As one now grizzled old Democrat strategist once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Biden’s economic and energy policy is bankrupting middle America. Republicans should beat that drum loud and clear for the next 49 days.

Elections Epic fail

Yes, because

THAT would not be OK at all for them.

If November is a referendum on Biden’s odious record and treatment of everyday Americans the last 600 days — not on the guy who occupied the Oval Office prior —  Democrats will lose badly.

THAT is the BIG reason why Leftists are still yakking about Trump. That, and the fact that they are not psychologically capable of addressing the actual issues.

Really, when was the last time you heard any Democrat actually arguing issues? It has been decades. I mean, they would rather escape to the peanut gallery and there spit poisoned pot-shots than directly argue a point. It’s, at heart, psychologically defensive.

Most all strident Democrats are the folks sitting in the nose-bleed section complaining about coaches, but they themselves have never even sniffed the field and know almost nothing about the game.

Democrat Death-Rattle Elections

Rats, meet

sinking ship. Ya think Ryan will have Joe Biden come campaign for him?

Yeah, I didn’t think so, either.

Ryan is ALL about the bait-and-switch ploy. But then again, most Democrats and all RINOs are…


Hardly a surprise,

now is it?

Biden is deadly poison to those running…

Elections Fighting Back

And you know?

Regular middle-class people should be enraged!

Conservatives, it’s time to take action. Vote these evil bastards out!


Well, good!

I’m glad to see that happen.


Guys, things

can change. They don’t always flip as they should, but this kind of stuff should be giving Democrats hives!