Lefty Culture Political philosophy

Leftists are

getting a bit restless. Skittish, even. As well they should.

It’s pretty dang clear: Trump looks vigorous and capable. Biden looks like death warmed over. He looks to be held together with hope, crossed fingers, and bailing twine. And Trump’s policies were certainly FAR better for regular people than Biden’s

The contrast could not be clearer: Leftism leads to misery while Conservatism leads to peace and plenty. In fact, this is perhaps the most devastating comparison: It is quite clear now that Leftism leads to human misery while Conservative practices lead to prosperity and happiness. The data are in. Will YOU blithely dismiss these facts?

See, Leftists could ignore the incontrovertible fact that the USSR was an economic basket case– lots of excuses about how it was not real Communism and such. Poppycock! I think we should take a hard look at the facts. Leftism has never worked! Never.

We should look at the very clear results! It’s not really arguable–the data are in. Now it’s true that hard Leftists are famously more tightly and even rigidly tied to their ideology than to empirical evidence. But is it even possible to dispute it now?

The best argument by a Leftist I have heard is: “The economy is cyclical, and it just happened that this ‘down’ time fell under a hard Left President.”

Yes, yes, but it always happens this way! It is clearly more than just a coincidence. When I lose 100 times out of 100, maybe it isn’t just chance. In scientific (or statistical) terms, this is a non-random finding. Something is going on, here!


Oh you

don’t say! Didn’t everyone with above-room-temperature IQ already know that?

“For years Democrats have claimed technologies like solar energy are cheaper than coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear. This report makes clear that solar is largely dependent on heavy subsidies with taxpayer dollars,” Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member John Barrasso, R-Wyo., told Fox News Digital.


Yes, Biden and

his motley crew are collaborators, pure and simple. Biden is a Vichy-like puppet. There really is no doubt about THAT. Look at history, for Pete’s sake!

Honestly, the historical ignorance of many on the Left is nothing short of stunning. THAT is why, like most Conservatives, I am a historical empiricist. Unlike the “Continental Rationalist” Left, I am FAR less interested in what sounds good at the moment than in what has shown robust value over and over in the past (both recent and remote).

So I want to conserve what has shown to be of value over the years. I am not very impressed by unproven, “new” theories. As they say, there is nothing new (of value) under the sun. To the extent it is truly new it is banal and trite.

If you think you have a “new” idea, just know that it has been pursued before. And here’s the empirical part; How did it work?

Biden Recession

Yeah, it’s

a total loser!

Top allies of President Joe Biden are reportedly urging him to ditch the “Bidenomics” message as the president’s approval on the economy continues to drag.

Because the economy really SUCKS! And it is just gaslighting to say that Biden has done a great job on the economy.


You cannot

disagree with LEFTISTS, COMRADE!

Last month, state Sen. Colton Moore, a Republican in Georgia dared to stand up to Fulton County DA Fani Willis for bringing indictments against former and potentially future President Donald Trump to do with the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia. Days after the indictment, Moore called for an emergency session “to review the actions of Fani Willis” in bringing the charges. He also circulated a petition. Not only Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) reject that call, but Moore has now actually been removed from the state Senate GOP caucus. 

“I stand by my Republican principles. I stand by the Republican platform. I will continue to serve as a Republican Senator from the great state of Georgia. Unfortunately, now I will be forced to refer to my colleagues, who ran on being “Trump conservatives,” as the RINO caucus,” he added. “The people of Georgia are 100 percent with me. This is the fight of our lifetime, and I will continue to double down to defend the rule of law and do what is right.”

Current Events

Yes, he was

The Warm-Up Dictator.”

Make no mistake: COVID was a “dry run” for future despotism.

How screwed up is the U.S. right now? The nation’s top medical official for years worked in public and private to stifle investigation of our worst health crisis, which increasingly looks like a unparalleled man-made catastrophe. He’s going to skate on it, because upper-class America is now so deep into mass mental illness that it’s more likely to make a sex symbol of corruption than punish it.

Yes, it’s more than a bit discouraging to see people who you thought would know better jump on the “Branch COVIDian” bandwagon.

Of course, MANY people were forced into it, and once they were “in” they developed a belief system that buttressed their behavior. Yeah, THAT is so common as to be almost an iron rule. Not very many people will look back and say, “You know, I was wrong…’

Age-related decline

Yes, that

is certainly true.

But we still have to be honest. The most powerful politicians in our country shouldn’t be dying from old age while still in office. It’s not just Feinstein. Our political system has a gerontocracy problem, with elderly people clinging to power for far too long and failing the public as a result.

It’s also Biden. He is a decade past his “sell by” date.

Current Events

I think that

is almost for sure correct. Biden is almost for sure toast, anyway. But RFK, Jr. entering the race would pretty much make it a foregone conclusion.

So it looks as if Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is just about to turn up the volume. It was bad enough for the Democratic establishment when he announced he was going to run for President on the Democratic ticket. Didn’t he know that The Committee already had its heir and a couple of spares, none of whom was named Kennedy?

Current Events




So what do you

think? Does he get prosecuted? I mean, the case is dang pretty cut-and-dried!

The Democrat congressman’s actions could potentially be punishable with up to 17 years in prison. 

We’re about to get a lesson in equal application under the law!

His spokesperson said: Since the incident, a spokeswoman for Bowman said he “did not realize he would trigger a building alarm.” 

Oh suuuure! If he didn’t known then just why did he pull the alarm? Was there a fire? Uhm, he dang well knew. DUH!

Besides, it’s not like ignorance of the law is usually a valid defense. “Oh, I didn’t know robbing a bank was against the law! Who knew? I guess we are ALL wiser now. Well, this has sure been a lesson to me. Let’s all just move on, we’re all a bit wiser now…”

REALLY, Jamaal?