Current Events


pretty much! I mean, is there another reason to watch FoxNews?

Current Events

It very much

appears that FoxNews has been flushed down the “GetWokeGoBroke” toilet. That giant sucking sound is Fox circling the drain!

First it was the 2020 AZ fiasco. THAT really torqued viewers off! And now it appears that Rupert Murdoch has fired the cash cow Tucker Carlson. Wow, talk about crappy business sense! Now they have devolved into CNN with a bit more eye candy!

It’s an amazingly bone-headed business move. Leftists will never like or tune in to FoxNews, and now Fox’s primary audience is rightfully leaving in disgust. Who on earth thought this was somehow a good idea?

Leftists absolutely won’t watch them. And now they have alienated normal people. So who will even watch FoxNews now?

It’s kinda like Bud Light alienating “Joe Sixpack” and thinking that “woke” champagne drinkers will just jump in and save their bacon. Hey, both beverages are kinda amber colored!

I mean, honestly, how stupid can you be?

Current Events Morality

You know,

the sand is starting to shift.

Now, I’m not so naïve as to think that the corruption is on the cusp of being eradicated. No, I think there is always likely to be corruption.

But some movement in the direction of justice and morality is good to see!

Guys, it’s shifting.

“And the lesson is if you stand up to the mob for just a day or two, their shallow, impatient, immature smartphone-driven gerbil minds will forget about it and go on to the next nothing-burger, and you, you still will have your cojones,” Maher concluded. 

Current Events

I really do think

Trump is going off the rails of the crazy train, here. And it doesn’t speak well of him.

And I’m actually quite sad to see it. Things were set up so beautifully, and now Trump has seemingly kicked all the carefully crafted LEGO buildings over in a fit of pique. And why? Why on this green earth?

It just seems like SUCH a huge self-inflicted wound! It is an epic fail. A self-own on a cosmic scale! I would say to Trump, “You were SO close!

But Trump is not just slamming an exceptional Republican governor with his stupid attacks, he’s attacking the very best Republican policies and the model Republican state.

Look, Trump was indeed cheated out of a second term. And he has been treated abysmally and shamefully by the kooky, sneering Left. And spineless (and/or traitorous) “Republicans” (looking at you, Romney!) aided and abetted the fraud and evil and incompetence. Yes, absolutely.

But this is sheer madness! And worse, the infighting and squabbling is among ourselves at the very time when we should be entirely focused on the utter mess the malicious Left has made of virtually everything!

THIS is how you get overrun by enemies. THIS is how you snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Trump, thank you for doing such a great job as President. And I’m truly sorry that the Left hosed you over so badly and so unfairly. I agree: It was bad and it was unfair. In fact, it was morally disgusting.

But now it’s time to get on the team or get the crap out of here! I’m not trying to sound harsh, but someone needs to tell you the unvarnished truth, and I’m not sure those around you are giving you that.

This is NOT about you. It is FAR bigger than that. You love your country–now don’t fracture the patriot coalition and harm it! If you are going to defeat DeSantis, do it straight up–don’t try and do it by telling obvious lies about him! THAT is how we lose our country.

Many of us were impressed in 2016 by your refreshing honesty. It was a breath of fresh air, and the contrast with the morally despicable Hillary couldn’t have been greater. And so you won.

But don’t become a “swamp creature.” Don’t abandon your biggest selling point and become just like the lying Democrats. Hold the line. This is far bigger than just you…

Current Events

Good question:

Why now? I think it is a furtive effort to get rid of senile old Joe. He has served his purpose, and now will be kicked to the curb.

See, now he is a liability. No one ever was all that excited about Joe Biden. Yes, many people irrationally hated Donald Trump, and Biden pretended to be a “moderate” and so it seemed OK to vote for him (though far more against Trump). But once in office, “Biden” (we are legion) was not moderate at all, and governed as an extreme Lefty.

But the MSM, who covered for old Joe, big-time in 2020, now has their long knives out for him. A bit. In secret, if at all possible. The claws are still partially retracted, let’s say. But still, a little is better than none!

Is this the Left’s last-ditch effort to take him off the board before the 2024 election? Sure looks like it.

Current Events

I do think that

we have about hit the proverbial tipping point in terms of the transsexual lobby. The Bud Light fiasco has laid bare the problems.

The Bud Light boycott may be the most important political act this year because millions — perhaps billions — are at stake as the Tranny Tyrants try to coerce corporations into serving them.

And AB is paying dearly.

Current Events

SO, just where

is the manifesto?

One person who has seen it called it “astronomically dangerous.”

I call bull crap! It hasn’t been released because it make “trans” people look bad. There simply IS no other decent explanation. It probably said the killings were part of the “trans day of vengeance.” I bet it did!

It didn’t? OK, then let’s see the whole dang thing and find out! Because it’s pretty freakin’ clear to even the dullest among us that they are hiding something. And it is likely that.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told the New York Post this week that the FBI is currently behind the delay. He said that the documents should be made public for grieving family members and for members of Congress.

We’ll see if it comes out–my bet that they will continue to say, “Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins!”

Maybe Ray Epps was involved… [I keed, I keed!]

Current Events

Oh really?

You know there is an excuse somewhere!

Current Events

Yes, “Leave

of Absence.” Yeah, THAT’S the ticket!

Look, she was fired, and she’s not likely to ever be again hired to oversee a major beer brand.

Ivy League marketing gurus are not the only ones carrying this view.  Most of the Democrat party shares it, or at least will not speak up in opposition to it out of fear of the trans lobby [ed. or out of sheer political hackery].   [emphasis added]

Yeah, LOTS of cowardly (or outright dishonest) soi-disant “moral” imposters out there. Remember the words in the New Testament (paraphrased): “Not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven…”

This is, I believe, the Achilles heel of the Democrats going into the 2024 election.  A large plurality if not an outright majority of voters are increasingly uncomfortable with the demands of the trans movement.  They don’t want their daughters pushed out of athletics and forced to share bathrooms with males.  They see a Supreme Court justice who stated in her confirmation hearing that she can’t define what a woman is.  When they see the stridency, bullying, and outright violence being used to force changes on everyone else, they get angry.

Current Events

Sorry, Trump is

shooting himself in the foot, here. And it is dismaying. He should know better.

As I suggested already, conservatives just aren’t buying what Trump is selling here.

Look, Trump was a very good President and rightly won re-election. Fraudulent Joe and his evil minions simply stole the election. Yes, we agree on that. In fact, it is quite clear. NO argument at all.

But Trump is uncharacteristically making a HUGE mistake, here. It is a stunning lack of political judgment–that is NOT typical of Trump. And a lot of us who where big Trump fans in the recent past are now reconsidering a bit…

Trump, DON’T BE STUPID! Just stop it!