Trump is going off the rails of the crazy train, here. And it doesn’t speak well of him.
And I’m actually quite sad to see it. Things were set up so beautifully, and now Trump has seemingly kicked all the carefully crafted LEGO buildings over in a fit of pique. And why? Why on this green earth?
It just seems like SUCH a huge self-inflicted wound! It is an epic fail. A self-own on a cosmic scale! I would say to Trump, “You were SO close!“
But Trump is not just slamming an exceptional Republican governor with his stupid attacks, he’s attacking the very best Republican policies and the model Republican state.
Look, Trump was indeed cheated out of a second term. And he has been treated abysmally and shamefully by the kooky, sneering Left. And spineless (and/or traitorous) “Republicans” (looking at you, Romney!) aided and abetted the fraud and evil and incompetence. Yes, absolutely.
But this is sheer madness! And worse, the infighting and squabbling is among ourselves at the very time when we should be entirely focused on the utter mess the malicious Left has made of virtually everything!
THIS is how you get overrun by enemies. THIS is how you snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Trump, thank you for doing such a great job as President. And I’m truly sorry that the Left hosed you over so badly and so unfairly. I agree: It was bad and it was unfair. In fact, it was morally disgusting.
But now it’s time to get on the team or get the crap out of here! I’m not trying to sound harsh, but someone needs to tell you the unvarnished truth, and I’m not sure those around you are giving you that.
This is NOT about you. It is FAR bigger than that. You love your country–now don’t fracture the patriot coalition and harm it! If you are going to defeat DeSantis, do it straight up–don’t try and do it by telling obvious lies about him! THAT is how we lose our country.
Many of us were impressed in 2016 by your refreshing honesty. It was a breath of fresh air, and the contrast with the morally despicable Hillary couldn’t have been greater. And so you won.
But don’t become a “swamp creature.” Don’t abandon your biggest selling point and become just like the lying Democrats. Hold the line. This is far bigger than just you…