
Well, it’s high

time that Republicans put in some outreach. Yes, these (like ALL youth) are low-propensity voters. But even so, the cultural outreach is extremely important.

Their first event will be held sometime in June, and the group will hold more concert-style events with A-list entertainers, soon to be announced. The Gateway Pundit has knowledge of some of the entertainers New Gen 47 is currently in talks with, and it’s something to look forward to!

Aren’t you glad that that stumbling dolt Ronna Romney McDaniel is gone? I know I sure am!

Co-founder Alex Fahmy had similar comments, telling The Gateway Pundit, “Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck thanks to Joe Biden’s ‘Bidenomics.’ This election is between putting America First with President Trump or continuing to put America Last with Joe Biden.”

… We are currently seeing a shift in pop culture, with former and current Hollywood stars waking up to the reality of the Democrat party. While Biden tries to bribe porn creators on Only Fans to push his propaganda, more and more well-known actors, comedians, and musicians are realizing Trump is the answer to this country’s problems.