Evil Immorality Lefty Political Philosophy

Yes. Yes they

have. And you have to pretty much be willingly blind not to see it!

At one point there were decent people who were also Democrats. But now, Democrats, how do you live with yourselves?


Folks, enough

is enough! Have you turned to the moral Dark Side?

Evil Illegal Immigration

Well, this is important

for those of us who want change, who want a safe and orderly and wise immigration policy.

The Biden border crisis is out of control. A two-month-old baby was found abandoned at the border in the Rio Grande Valley. This is the face of the Biden border crisis. This should be used in every Republican campaign ad this election cycle. The open border is a political decision from Biden and should be treated as such. [emphasis added]

What kind of mom just… ditches her infant child and then moves on? It’s crazy!

On June 9 the Los Angeles City Council approved a motion to formally declare the city as a sanctuary city. This is what they want, right? The illegal aliens ask to go to these cities. Texas taxpayers pay for Operation Lone Star and migrant buses, providing transportation to sanctuary cities. The illegals sign forms in Texas before they board the buses that state they are willingly making their trips elsewhere. It is a fallacy that the illegals all cross the border and then want to stay in Texas. Many do not – they are on their way to other places in order to find work or reunite with family and sponsors.

Corruption Crime Evil

Well, you at

least get rid of the crook. We don’t hang such money-grubbing traitors anymore. And that is probably a good thing. Still, if there’s a person that needs hanging…

Anti-scientific stance Evil

Be VERY careful

about what you believe! Because they usually lose in court, “Biden” has outsourced his PR campaign to erstwhile scientific publications. Yes, he has bastardized even science. It’s not the only thing he has marshaled onto his side, of course. But it is a big thing.

As I have said, “Biden” does not have the Midas touch. He has the caca touch!

Stung by court decisions limiting its ability to pressure and coerce social media companies to remove purported misinformation and facing an uncertain response at the Supreme Court, the Biden administration is finding workarounds.

Here’s the problem–the caca touch, if you will: Now it is very difficult to even know what to believe. Since we KNOW “scientists” have lied in order to boost “Biden,” upon what grounds now do we judge the truth?

I mean, many physicians are pushing the COVID vaxx for little kids, even though little kids virtually never get the illness! Nor do they spread it. So we’ve gotten to the point where we as parents have to make a call that may go against medical advice, and very well could impact that child’s entire life. All the while having NO reliable scientific data on it! We lose a formerly trustworthy source of information.

Because what they tell us might be true. But then again, it might not be…

How diabolical.

Bad Faith Evil

“Biden” absolutely

does not have the best interests of the USA at heart. THAT is really quite clear.

The Department of Homeland Security was aware that a large population of migrants was preparing to cross the southern border months before a near-record number surged into the country this month, internal documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show—but appears to have taken no action to forestall an influx that has overwhelmed local officials across the United States.

They just are NOT working for the United States. Power is far more important to them than the well-being of American citizens. And their hope is that all these illegal aliens will, through the stupidity of birthright citizenship, help keep them in power.

Warning: This is a recipe for vigilanteism. I don’t want that. So Lefties, KNOCK IT OFF! Then again, like with January 6, the Left is provoking a response that can be used as an excuse to jail those who dare disagree with them. And they simply don’t care that the illegal immigrants are suffering. You just watch.


Is it True?

Believable? Oh sure. But I’d like to see some documentation!


Honestly, I don’t

get it. Well, I don’t see an innocent explanation. Oh, I sure get it if one assumes malice. And it’s getting very hard to assume otherwise…

Barbaric! Evil


Seth Rich. Democrats (DNC) clearly put a hit on him. He would have been wise to put a “dead man’s trigger” on the information he gathered. They killed him to stop him from talking. And it worked.

The DOJ and FBI are playing a cat-and-mouse game by deep-sixing Rich’s laptop. The Gateway Pundit reported on August 21, 2023, that the FBI initially said it had nothing involving the investigation of the murder of Rich. Later, the FBI admitted it did have some information on Rich’s death and then admitted it had Rich’s laptop. The FBI said it would release the contents, giving an estimate of sixty-six years to produce. The FBI did so only after many FOIAs and civil suits by Judicial Watch and Attorney Ty Clevenger.

Pose an existential threat to the DNC, and they will kill you to keep you from pulling the curtain back and exposing them.

This NOT some goofy “conspiracy theory.” This is real!

Kind of makes you wonder if Andrew Breitbart was murdered, too… I’m not saying he was, but it was sure mighty convenient for the Left to have him gone! A bit too convenient, eh?

Oh, and it was really convenient to have Epstein “kill himself” before ratting out his clients. What an amazing series of events, with guards sleeping rather than doing their rounds and multiple video cameras not working and all!

Current Events Evil

Masking is NOT

benign! The Mendelian Spousal Unit (MSU) quickly gets a raging headache from wearing one–I’m really quite sure it is low oxygen and/or too much CO2…

Evidence continues to mount that mask mandates were perhaps the worst public-health intervention in modern American history. While concluding that wearing masks “probably makes little or no difference” in preventing the spread of viruses, a recent Cochrane review also emphasized that “more attention should be paid to describing and quantifying the harms” that may come from wearing masks. A new study from Germany does just that, and it suggests that the excess carbon dioxide breathed in by mask-wearers may have substantial ill-effects on their health—and, in the case of pregnant women, their unborn children’s.

Masks we horrible! Totally ineffective and worse, brutally damaging.

And amazingly damaging from a child development perspective. Between developmental damage, speech and educational damage, mental health impact, medical refusal to treat, horrifyingly coercive Karens and culture, lack of diagnostic tests, and heart-busting vaccines that kill young and fit males while screwing up female reproductive systems, it’s hard to imagine anything other than World War that has been as destructive or that has led to such human misery. And those two are neck-and-neck in the damage footrace!

The human toll has been just staggering. And heartbreaking.

But the scientific data are clear: CDC confirms COVID-19 vaccine prevents death in only 1 out of 1 million

This is NOT just some kooky right-winger saying this. No, it is the CDC!