Media Flying Monkeys Political Strategy


the political hit has been put out!

Further skewering Biden, the Times stated, “It is common for presidents to spin economic numbers to improve their pitch to voters,” yet “the president’s cheerleading has increasingly grown to include exaggerations or misstatements about the economy and his policy record.”

The NYT is a Lefty dung-heap, and them turning on Biden is NOT a sign that they are suddenly committed to reporting the truth. It’s merely an act of self-preservation. It’s just a dodge, a feint, a tactical maneuver. It was the plan from the beginning.

This is just the next phase of the plan.

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., tweeted, “I’m suspicious of NYT’s motivation for printing the truth about Biden. It’s out of character for them. Perhaps blaming him and his gaffs for the midterm results is the beginning of the left’s effort to replace him with a different nominee in 2024.”


Yeah, this is the “tell” that the next phase of the plan is starting. Don’t be fooled: They are who they have always been.

Media Flying Monkeys Political Strategy

Yes, it is

happening. It is indeed just starting to happen now. Because the writing is on the wall as to what will happen in the mid-terms, and some reporters and politicians want to beat the Christmas rush….

But you will see it in spades once Democrats get shellacked in the mid-terms! Just you wait.

It started as anonymous grumblings from Democratic Party operatives talking to the New York Times about the president’s job performance. But now, we’re seeing louder, on-the-record screams about Biden’s competency. These primarily concern the president’s age and polling, which suggests his diminishing reelection chances. Take Politico’s new reporting on the progressive groups now openly calling on Biden to abandon plans for a second term.

… All polling points to Biden’s majorities in the House and Senate being wiped out come the November midterm elections. When that happens, and I mean the very next day, these innuendos and grumblings for Biden to step aside will become full-bore primal screams, and he won’t be able to survive them.

I don’t think there is any doubt that Democrats will have an orgy of vituperative blamestorming after the mid-terms. And Biden himself may well be (and almost for sure WILL be) the primary target. Democrats hope to use him as a bona fide scapegoat: They will lay ALL the “sins” of the Democrats on him and then send him out into the wilderness to die. It’s pure misdirection. They will “cast him out” in atonement for their own sins!

If Democrats lose both the House and the Senate, you can bet your sweet Aunt Fanny that the Democrat long knives will come out for Old Joe Biden and his evil clown cabal.

Just be assured that you will hear the old saw, “It’s NOT an indication that Leftism is a steaming pile of crap, it is just that Joe Biden is an incompetent fool!

You know, just like, “But real Communism has never been tried!

Remember, I called it!

Epic fail Political Strategy Polls

Yeah, and 60%

are entirely correct. The other 40% are either just ignorant of the facts or partisan hacks.

Rising inflation is the top election issue for over 8 out of 10 voters, with most blaming President Joe Biden’s policies for making the economy worse in less than two years on the job.

… That includes 77% of Democrats who said it was an important issue. [emphasis added]

Political Strategy

The FACT is that

Joe Biden is not jetting around the country to help fellow Democrats. There are two reasons for that:

The first and most in-your-face reason is that Biden is manifestly incompetent and extremely unpopular. Thus, Democrat candidates really don’t want to be associated with him in any way or even be seen with him. They (rightfully) fear that being seen (or tarred) as a “Biden Democrat” would be the kiss of death for them.

But second, Joe Biden is incredibly low-stamina. He simply is too feeble to do much barnstorming–he just can’t physically do it. Also, he has a strong tendency to say stupid things–and Democrat candidates want nothing to do with that. And that tendency to say stupid things, while historically always a part of the Joe Biden experience, is now exponentially worse given his much-more-than-creeping senility.

So the strategy for Democrats in anything but the deepest wacko red district is to just go it alone. They know that a Great Horny Toad who has a “D” after its name will get elected in those places. So they certainly don’t need the risk of having Biden there! Heavens no!

Hypocrisy Political Strategy

I agree:

Strike NOW! And strike hard.

However, according to Civiqs, among Hispanic registered voters in that age group, 22% of Democrats and 71% of independents disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing.

… Biden is almost 10 points underwater on border security and immigration with Hispanic voters. Twenty-five percent of Hispanic voters put those issues in their top two. When asked about them separately, 59% say border security is their most important issue. Another 43% have cost of living among their top two issues, with 35% selecting jobs and the economy. Biden is -13 on the economy and -25 on the cost of living. The GOP needs to take a wild guess that these are the most important concerns in the community as a whole and not some vague, separate category based only on ethnicity. Only 11% put healthcare in the top two issues, and 14% selected abortion.

… More Hispanic registered voters (34%) describe themselves as “moderate” than “liberal” or “very liberal” combined (33%). It is time for Republicans to point out how radical Democrats have become at every opportunity. The examples are endless, from pushing radical transgender policies in K-12 schools to energy policy. This is not your grandmother’s Democrat Party.

Younger Hispanics especially are turning HARD against the Lefty immoral nonsense. The fact that a few of my religious white acquaintances support the immorality a Biden is a monument to rank hypocrisy…

Alas, there have been “whited sepulchers” in every age!

Energy Political Strategy

You know what

makes the most sense to me? The European “Greens” are getting paid off by Putin. Rationally and logically that is the explanation that makes the most sense.

Oh not directly–that would be unbelievably ham-handed of both parties. In fact, the “Greens” are probably not even really aware of it. It works better that way–two parties can keep a secret so long as one of them is dead…

But Putin could easily create shell corporations that would financially support the “Greens.” See, the “Greens” went from a fringe bunch of wackos to a real political force in a political nanosecond. Even 10 or 15 years ago they were not visible to most people.

So what makes me say that? Cui bono? THAT should lead you to knowledge “pay dirt.”

See, Europe has HUGE natural gas reserves, and if they ever started accessing them, Putin would be totally hosed. So he supports (behind the scenes) those who oppose such European energy independence.

Restrictions on European energy production are BOTH very good for Putin and quite socially trendy. Therefore, Putin supports European “green” energy. DUH!

Just look what is happening right now in Germany (and across Europe). They are literally starving and freezing for fuel, and Putin holds the whip hand, here. Don’t do as I’d like? No NordStream for you!

They either do as they’re told, or they freeze and starve…

Cui bono?

See, like most Leftism, “Green” works best when there are other, effective options working behind the scenes. That way the mindless Lefties can both proudly wear the “Green” badge AND turn up the heat on a chilly day!

Political Strategy

The big problem

for the Left is that they have come to embody the lyrics the “The Boxer” by Simon and Garfunkel:

But a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

And THAT has become the Lefty way. Avoid ALL discussion or reasoned argument and let nothing penetrate your Lefty bubble! Make sure you never leave your Lefty “circle of safety.” You might hear something that weakens your Lefty faith!

Yes, THAT is the Lefty way.

Political Strategy

Yeah, don’t

be fooled!

And just like Jan. 6, there will be Democrat plants egging people on. (Of note: “Creshendo” is horribly misspelled, but you understand what is being said, here…)

BUT, another major issue is this: Even if the FBI said they found something in their scurrilous raid on Mar-a-Lago, how could you be sure it is true? Could it be planted? I mean, they took away boxes–could they have later put something in them? Do you think that an organization that spent years lying about Trump and Russia and January 6 might also plant evidence?

Of course they would! I just think the FBI has crapped the bed so badly that they are no longer trustworthy at all. So a lot of people would simply not believe them. And with very good reason!

Political Strategy

Yes, a Presidential Special

Counsel is indeed warranted. Both for Hunter and for Joe. But it won’t happen–UNLESS the party decides it’s profitable to now chuck Joe under the bus. Still, the party is edging in that direction already. And it is very possible that the mid-terms will be the push that sends both Biden and Harris falling head-over-heels off that cliff.

In practice, though, special counsels are almost always disasters. Rarely if ever do they find actionable crimes that relate directly to their mandate. In almost every case, the only prosecutions that take place involve secondary or tertiary figures and indictments for “process crimes.” They go on for years, raise expectations while spending significant amounts of money, and end up doing nothing more than generating a report while ruining the lives of tangential figures.

Yes, while seeing Biden and Harris torn apart by their own party would indeed be immensely satisfying, I don’t think it is likely to happen and it probably would not be the ideal outcome in many ways, anyway. These two are absolutely horrible at their jobs, but just by statistical regression to the mean the Dems can’t pick anyone worse.

Plus, it allows the Democrats to pose, posture, and avoid. They would blame the misery and crappy policy on the incompetence of Biden and Harris, and thus avoid what is SO obvious–that the problem is Leftism itself.

Out of the dead asp’s hole would come a cockatrice…

So I would rather have these two be stinky dead albatrosses hung around the necks of Democrats than, almost for sure, Democrats getting someone better.

The problem for Democrats is that there are no obvious decent replacements. If Kamala had been even a halfway acceptable option, Joe would already be gone. But there is this double whammy of Kamala and Joe being terrible and the damage the party would take if they ratted them out.

Therefore, Joe is still in office.

BUT, we are rapidly approaching the “tipping point” for Dems. And the idea of chucking both Joe and Kamala is gaining steam in hard Lefty circles. And it is getting more mainstream. Dems are starting to “blamestorm.”

And they will soon make Biden and Harris into scapegoats–they will place on them all the faults of Leftism and then send them out to die, politically.

All the while, Gavin Newsom is circling, circling. Just waiting for the right opening…

Political Strategy


Republicans need to play offense, here. We thought that playing nice and just ignoring the nuts would be sufficient. But no–Modern Democrats are the nuts, now!

And it’s way beyond time to crush them. We can no longer afford to be “polite” and silent. We need to actively stand up for what is right!

By going on the attack, we can pick our battles and accomplish our goals. This is not a plan for the faint-hearted, RINOS, compromisers, or the bipartisan. Mitch McConnell, and those like him, need to be pushed out for this to accelerate. This is and has to be about winning, full-stop.

And the harsh truth is that some of the people that you once thought were misguided but basically good are neither. They have now actively turned to the dark side. I’m so sorry. These losses are indeed heartbreaking.

But I had darn well better act according to the actual facts. It is time to take off the gloves!

Indeed, stay connected to your motivation! Overall, what is important to YOU? And everything has to be in the service of that goal.