
Good dog!

Buffoons Captain Obvious

You know,

it’s a valid question.


Yeah, almost for

sure it won’t happen. At least until the Republicans re-take the House in November!

Here’s a stumper for all you Biden/Hunter/Democrat apologists: If Hunter is “clean” as you say he is, what harm is there in a Special Counsel just to put all our minds at rest?

Of course, this just may be the “crowbar” Democrats use to get scaly Joe out of office!


Yeah, he’s really not

particularly concerned

Nor SHOULD he be!

“It is opportunistic that activists would use illegal immigrants for political theater. If these activists spent even a fraction of this time and effort at the border, perhaps some accountability would be brought to the Biden Administration’s reckless border policies that entice illegal immigrants to make dangerous and often lethal journeys through Central America and put their lives in the hands of cartels and Coyotes,” DeSantis’ office said in a statement. “The transportation of the immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard was done on a voluntary basis. The immigrants were homeless, hungry, and abandoned – and these activists didn’t care about them then.”

“Florida’s program gave them a fresh start in a sanctuary state and these individuals opted to take advantage of chartered flights to Massachusetts,” the statement continued. “It was disappointing that Martha’s Vineyard called in the Massachusetts National Guard to bus them away from the island within 48 hours.” [emphasis added]

Current Events

Indeed, it is hard when

there is no honor among thieves!

Look, if you lay down with dogs you get fleas…

I mean, c’mon Cuomo, what did you expect? You’ve been around this neighborhood for a while!

Somewhere a sad trombone is playing: “wah wah wah waaaaa.”

Current Events

Yeah, THAT was

pretty much inevitable. But I had to go to the VA yesterday and those idiots are still requiring masks!

Now I understand that it is NOT the fault of the workers there–they do what they’re told or they lose their job. And many of them resolve the cognitive dissonance by siding with the iron fist of the mask nannies–for now.

But it’s NOT a psychologically or socially stable arrangement.

Buffoons Cowardice

Yeah, whatever

Joe. You’re done. You’ve entertained us quite enough…

Corruption Cowardice

Yeah, well

DEMOCRATS. If you want justice and truth, for Heaven’s sake you don’t vote Democrat. DUH! They are just into CYA schemes. Which is why they voted to continue to cover for Joe and Hunter (and, most importantly for them, their precious selves!).

“If the Democrats vote against this resolution, then they are continuing in their coordinated effort to shield a potentially compromised President from necessary congressional oversight,” Comer said Tuesday. “We must shed light on the Biden family’s international business schemes to determine if there is a national security threat.”

Well, they did. Shocker.

“So do you mean to tell me that Joe Biden … had no idea that his son was engaged in the sale of a cobalt mine to a Chinese company at the same time when the centerpiece of Joe Biden’s energy policy is electric cars in the United States?” Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) asked on Tuesday. “That is just crazy,” he said.

Vote these bastards out!

Current Events

Game, set,

match. The foaming Lefties have officially been outsmarted. There was a signed consent form. Ruh-roh, Shaggy!

If these activists spent even a fraction of this time and effort at the border, perhaps some accountability would be brought to the Biden Administration’s reckless border policies that entice illegal immigrants to make dangerous and often lethal journeys through Central America and put their lives in the hands of cartels and Coyotes.

I like this guy!


Yes, high achievers’

parents have had enough.

Parents of these kids see that they can do far better by home-schooling their kids. And that is the case with almost all parents and kids when looked at over a few years.

Are there some very good public school teachers? Oh yes. But I do think the odds are better with private schools, charter schools, “pods,” and home school.