has changed positions on these issues. But I don’t believe that at all. No one does!
Only really stupid people think she has actually changed stances!
has changed positions on these issues. But I don’t believe that at all. No one does!
Only really stupid people think she has actually changed stances!
the Democrats dealing with Senile Joe:
But NEVER forget: Major Democrats lied to you for about four years! Joe didn’t just start getting demented–no, they knew and pretended it wasn’t true for years. They called you names if you mentioned it. There is NO reason to think that they suddenly started telling the truth recently…
(h/t: powerline)
here: Joe Biden is said to have had a stutter. Yet not a single time have I heard a stutter from him. Nothing speech-pathological. There seems to be NO old footage of it. There is NO recent footage of it–at least as far as I have ever seen. I think this is just a made-up red herring. I think the high probability is that Team Biden is just lying about it to gain sympathy. Or at least it is a HUGE exaggeration.
Maybe it is true. Maybe. But I have never seen evidence of it! And it’s pretty dang convenient, isn’t it? Kinda makes me wonder…
Critics argue that using stuttering as a defense for Biden’s communication failures is not only dishonest but also stigmatizes the disorder. Stuttering impacts speech but does not account for Biden’s concerning cognitive issues, suggesting he might be mentally unfit for high office.
MSM at work!
It’s true–no matter how much you hate the MSM, you don’t hate them enough!
And now WE all know. It is impossible to hide.
Now the Democrats have a Biden problem. They can’t hide from it. They might mask it the same way a teenaged girl would mask a pimple, but cosmetics aside, Americans have already seen it.
… So the left-wing pundits of CNN and MSNBC have been exposed as frauds. As have those on the New York Times, Washington Post and others. The corrupt leftist corporate media insisted Biden was the victim of news video fraud called “deep fakes.” The deranged host of “Morning Joe” talked Biden up like a prizefighter who would destroy Trump. “F U” said the host, a former Bush Republican. “You can’t handle the truth.” Again, the media left vultures never pay for their snacks.
public opinion on Biden’s capabilities is rapidly getting set in stone. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that the concrete on them will be permanently set by Wednesday. I very much doubt there’s any meaningful change after that. Heck, it may be almost set NOW!
Indeed, would you trust this Biden guy in an emergency? Hardly! People are rightly not comfortable with that.
Their final thought will be: If THAT was Biden with one full week to plan and prepare, what the hell would it look like if there was an emergency situation somewhere in the world and Biden had to answer a midnight phone call?
… The Trump-Biden debate was a tipping point in popular opinion. The repercussions, reverberations, and aftershocks are still to come. Biden’s performance changed the equation and made this election a referendum on him. But for Biden to win, he needed the election to be a referendum on Trump.
Because seeing him on (and getting off) the stage and hearing his rambling, scrambled, confused utterances confirmed all the “rumors” about Joe Biden’s true incapacity. Those concerns were horrifically confirmed.
And if the Left bald-face lied to you about Joe’s competency, what else might they be lying to you about? For a lot of people, seeing Joe live and unscripted has led to the scales falling from their eyes, and they suddenly realize they have been chronically lied to!
thing is fact that, because of seeing how senile Joe Biden really is, we now have to wrestle with the unavoidable fact that the MSM chronically lied to us, and just are not trustworthy. They lied, and Jill Biden is an evil monster.
What of all those politicians, media talking heads, D/s/c party hacks, entertainers, and others who repeatedly assured Americans they had been in close contact with Joe Biden, they had long, substantive conversations with him, and he was not only just fine, he was at the top of his game, his age was his superpower, he was completely cogent, capable and oh sooooo experienced? What can we think of those people who assured us Biden is absolutely ready and able to lead a fourth Obama term?
… And how can they possibly apologize for covering for the entire Biden Crime family as it serially betrayed America? How can they admit their complicity and/or stupidity?
The debate revealed how badly America has been losing and for how long, and began the process of realization, of the sparking of memory, of just how badly America has been betrayed…
But here’s the big question: Are YOU fooled? Because that is what this is all about!
“It’s all smoke and mirrors,” National Border Patrol Council President for the San Diego border sector Manny Bayon told The Post.
Yyyup! That’s exactly what it is!
…It also says the number doesn’t apply to migrants who are “permitted to enter … due to operational considerations at the time of the entry,” which potentially excludes all the 4,900 individuals released in the San Diego sector.
Don’t be fooled, folks. YOU are getting worked!
Your ONLY recourse is to vote this evil dude out along with ALL his mindless minions with a “D” after their name come November…
it is nothing!
Matthew Colangelo, one of the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ)’s top attorneys, who forewent a white-shoe law firm career to instead work for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, received at least $12,000 by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for “consulting” services in 2018.
that the MSM outlets are bought and paid for by China, right?
If you don’t understand the pressure they get to report things one way (and it’s the way they want to, anyway), you are a buck-toothed hayseed!