Incompetence Stooooopid!

Stupid is as

stupid does, Jenn-nay!

Bad Faith Evil

Hang Avenatti

around the MSM’s neck!

Never let the media forget their worship of this idiot, which included suggesting Avenatti might make a good future president. 

…While we’re at it, please stop the media from getting away with the lie that Christine Blasey Ford was a scared little church mouse who was reluctant to come forward. Christine Blasey Ford couldn’t wait to come forward. She was dying to come forward. In her deceptiveness and fakeness she is no different from Avenatti.

… Don’t expect the media to ask if Ford or her team ever talked to Avenatti. That kind of info will only come out if Avenatti ever finds Jesus. Or when he’s forced to meet Him on Judgment Day.

Current Events

Hey, good

answer! It just has nothing whatsoever to do with the question. I am forcibly reminded of the “…but as for the kings” joke…

Abortion Current Events

The truth is,

Roe is already dead.

States are already intervening, and would regardless of the status of RvW.

The fact that RvW is a legal steaming pile of crap is NOT the issue, here. It is that RvW is irrelevant.

But what hasn’t been pointed out in the frenzy over the leaked Dobbs draft opinion is that Roe is, practically speaking, already dead — regardless of what the Court decides to do in Dobbs. The states already have the ability and authority to restrict abortion in any manner they see fit. Accordingly, they do not need to wait for the Court to overrule Roe to severely limit or simply outlaw abortion within state borders. 

So how?

Oklahoma was able to pull this off by copying the ingenious enforcement mechanism from the Texas Heartbeat Act, which prohibits state officials from enforcing its restrictions while authorizing private citizens to sue anyone who performs or “aids or abets” an abortion. By structuring its law in this manner, Oklahoma has made it impossible for abortion providers to challenge the statute’s constitutionality in federal court: There are no state officials providers can sue for enforcing the law. [emphasis added]

Basically, State officials can’t be sued. THEY are not enforcing any restrictions. But abortionists can be, personally.

All of this makes the anticipated ruling in Dobbs at least somewhat anticlimactic — it will not be the formal overruling of Roe that returns the issue of abortion to the states. That moment has already arrived, as Texas and Oklahoma have cracked the code and demonstrated how to enact an abortion ban that evades judicial review and neuters Roe.

And to be sure, more states will do this if Roe somehow escapes the chopping block. ANY state can outlaw abortion, now.

Indeed, Texas and Oklahoma have already done it — and more states will follow if the eventual ruling in Dobbs stops short of the leaked draft opinion’s total repudiation of Roe.

And just think. Jet’s say you are just a “temp” at the front desk at the abortion clinic. You have no malpractice insurance! And yet you can be sued for aiding and abetting an abortion…

In the immortal words of Dr. McCoy, “It’s dead, Jim!”

Evil Clown Fighting Back

Yeah, well RINOs,

get the Hell out!

That thought pattern from Rice just shows how unhinged the thought is. At a point when Republicans should be concentrating on doing all they can to help defeat the Democrats in November, instead, these remaining RINOs are doing all they can to fuel the Democrats.

Current Events

Yeah, suuuure

you are!

SCOTUS may have to employ OJ to look for the real offender, here!


Eh, I’m not actually

very impressed.

Let’s do a simple thought experiment: IF this happened randomly, why can’t the best scientists over hundreds of years even come close to reproducing it? Why is this not a high school science fair staple?

And when they try, it is intelligently designed, not random. Until they can actually create life and show how it could have arisen randomly, it’s really a major snoozer.

“The beauty of this model is its simplicity. It can be tested by highschoolers in chemistry class,” said Jan Špaček, who was not involved in this study but who develops instrument to detect alien genetic polymers on Mars. “Mix the ingredients, wait for a few days and detect the RNA.”

OK then, create life with your “beautiful” model.

So, if I assume certain parameters, it can work. Oh, and parenthetically, if I assume that monkeys CAN fly out my butt, perhaps they did!

But right now we are only dealing with assumptions and assertions. SHOW ME THE DATA!

So asserting that RNA (not DNA) could (theoretically) form on basalt lava glass under amazingly specific and non-natural conditions? THIS is just bald assertion wrapped in the garb of science, and nothing more. Big freakin’ whoop. <yawn>


Oh my!

THAT is pretty stinkin’ funny!

“It’s a struggle to advertise for toilet paper because going to the bathroom is a very private experience,” commented Charlemagne. “With Ms. Heard, we have a rare opportunity to reel in everyone’s attention with a beautiful face while simultaneously causing people to think of how much they need toilet paper. She is the golden goose of toilet paper marketing.”

Current Events

See, the problem

is NOT the messaging. It’s the message. But see, MANY Leftists are much too rigid and narcissistic to realize that the problem is not how “fancy” the packaging is. The problem is the product itself!

The midterms are looking rough for Team Donkey. Very rough. And most of the troubles come straight from the top. While President Biden isn’t up for reelection this year, he’ll likely be responsible for ending a lot of careers this November.

… An anonymous tipster compared Biden’s polls to the last guy. “He’s now lower than Trump, and he’s really twisted about it,” the person close to the White House said.

BUT, don’t get overconfident! These folks steal elections, as we know only too well.

Spokesperson Jen Psaki isn’t the only Democrat jumping ship. Now there’s an exodus of Black staffers because of “little support from their superiors and fewer chances for promotion.” Chief of Staff Ron Klain is also said to be eyeing the exits.

… If dogs won’t eat the dog food you’re selling, a new slogan won’t fix the problem. You need to change your product.

Current Events

Yeah, that

is good! Who on earth could oppose restoring the American Family?