Elections Polls

These are

pretty good numbers. But beware, Conservatives, of overconfidence.

NPR poll:
Notably, the poll found 52 percent of latino voters would vote for a Republican compared to 39 percent who would choose a Democrat. For voters who have children under 18 years old, 60 percent said they’d vote for the GOP candidate while just 32 percent said they’d pick a Democrat. More voters under 45 years old also broke for Republicans (50 percent) over Democrats (40 percent). [emphasis added]

And it’s only May…

Yes, but ALWAYS remember: Democrats cheat. And they will this time, too, unless YOU get active and work to prevent it. Now is NOT the time to passively shrug and hope someone else does the heavy lifting..

Now understand, these are numbers on a generic candidate. But still, this reveals a dramatic shift. It truly is remarkable.

And this is NPR…

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