them one little bit for wanting to leave. Almost ANY non-moron would. Just who would want to be associated with Portland?
But would Idaho take these Leftugees? I mean, already much of the state residents want to get rid of the Left-leaning idiots in downtown Boise! So a BIG part of the deal is that Idaho doesn’t want to clasp a Lefty viper to its bosom.
OTOH, the CA and NY Leftugees moving to Texas and Florida have actually made those states MORE conservative. Turns out that moving is a HUGE pain, and for the most part only the most committed Conservatives are willing to do it!
Yes, there are some Lefties who have lost their jobs or who can’t make ends meet because of stupid Lefty policies and so they leave, but those “dead-ender” Lefties are actually a small minority of those who move. Googly-eyed Lefties usually want to move to places very much like the one they left (yes, stupidity seems to know no bounds as they stubbornly and unthinkingly recapitulate their folly).
“We think it makes sense to move the border to where the cultural divide [exists]. Oregon is a very polarized state—two very different cultures.”
But a merger arrangement faces SO many obstacles that the chance of it happening is low. But it’s NOT zero.
The truth is that eastern Oregon fits in very well with Idaho. Not the kooky Portland violent Lefty thugs, but eastern Oregon.