how free speech has turned into a conservative value.
But it has. It is Lefties who refuse to debate (even here on this site!). It is Lefties who just can’t tolerate an opposing position. It is Lefties who are violent when faced with views other than their own. It is Lefties who run away rather than stand for what they believe. It is Lefties who literally know nothing about the world unless they suck it off the teat of the great Lefty mama of the fever swamps.
And it is Lefties who will shout a speaker down rather than let the speaker say something they disagree with. It just reeks of weakness, of fear! The plain fact of the matter is that FREE speech is anathema to Leftists.
THAT is why they hate comedy of all stripes. Of course, Leftists are famously NOT funny people. The world’s smallest book may be,”The Complete Collection of Great German and Russian Humor.”