Buffoons Captain Obvious


is who Democrats are: Racist hysterics.

But I digress, the reaction from Democrats to the affirmative action decisions has quickly descended into racist hysteria

… How broken must one be for that to be their reaction? Think about what’s being suggested in those posts. According to Hill and O’Brien, Asian Americans must continue to suffer discrimination lest they become pawns of “white supremacy” that are harming “people of color.” That’s about as perverted and immoral of an assertion as I can imagine in dealing with this topic.


It’s an unbelievably

stupid and foolhardy idea.

Look, people think stupid things–that is certainly nothing new. But when your stupid ideas cause an impact on me, well, that’s just too far!

I really don’t give a crap about your wacky Lefty religion. But I don’t pray that way, so leave me the crap alone!

Here’s my prediction: If Lefties try this cockamamie idea, wiser people will destroy it before it gets off the ground.

Fighting Back


you have to really mean it when you fight and boycott and resist the Left. Remember in “Harry Potter” when Harry hits the evil Bellatrix with a Cruciatus curse:

“Never used an Unforgivable Curse before, have you, boy?” she yelled. She had abandoned her baby voice now. ‘You need to mean them, Potter! You need to really want to cause pain – to enjoy it – righteous anger won’t hurt me for long – I’ll show you how it is done, shall I? I’ll give you a lesson –”

See, conservatives need to really mean it when they rebel against the Left. Righteous anger just won’t hurt them for long. The “pain” caused by the boycott has to be both epic and extended.

Lefties, on the other hand, are not at all limited by “niceness.” They are happy to cause conservatives BIG pain over an extended period of time! Its is, by nature, an uneven playing field. Quite uneven. The “niceness” of conservatives is thus in a Judo-like move flipped into a weak spot Leftists can and will exploit.

In revolting against Lefties, the damage has to be epic, biblical in scale. It has to be so epic that people will still be talking about it 100 years from now.

You have to really mean it.

Dementia Joe

I’s just not at all

a good look. I honestly don’t know how Dementia Joe deals with the really bad optics of Hunter always being around along with all the other issues.

Current Events

Preach, brother!

I think most of us normal people are just fed up with these foppish men and women who are excessively concerned about how they might look to the “cool Lefty crowd” and who are more than happy to sacrifice your kids on the altar of wokeness and PC in order to enhance their standing with the “woke” crowd!

Captain Obvious


I’m sure not

Lefty strongholds are being faced with the truth of what a wise woman once said: “Eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

And people vote with their feet…

Democrat Racism

It’s true.

The Left truly has beclowned themselves!

Despicable Illegal Immigration

Hmmm… So

what do you make of THIS?

Wow! Just wow. THIS is the kind of stuff people start shooting over…


Honestly, there

is nothing that crap-eating “wokeness” won’t kill. The Indiana Jones franchise is now a weak and insufferable parody of itself.

Here’s the iron rule: Didacticism utterly destroys whatever art it infects.

That is NOT to say that there can’t be moral or persuasive art–there can be. It’s just that in that case the didacticism is greatly secondary to the artistic expression itself–it is an organic outgrowth of the artist’s way of being in the world, not a ham-handed “lesson.”

How is it that these people don’t know this LONG understood issue? Even something as non-crucial as Greedo being altered so he shoots first. Scene ruined. And Han Solo’s character arc was hugely diminished.

JK Rowling famously did the same thing to the end of the final “Harry Potter” book, and it was jarringly discordant with the story arc. The result? The ending of the last book was a loser and that ineptitude infected the entire second half of the book. It was lame. It was hectoring, it was not being true to the characters. She couldn’t stick the landing. Therefore, many people just pretend that the last one was not written–at least the second half.

It’s a hazardous path. When an author or other artist crams an unruly character to fit into the Procrustean bed of his or her socio-political belief system, the work virtually always ceases to be compelling.

The work becomes a lesson from an old ruler-wielding schoolmarm, not art.

Current Events

It may well

not be over for Hunter Biden. We shall see, eh?

But even IF more evidence comes out, wi