Evil Clown Incompetence

Oh, I’m sure they

are amused. Yeah, it’s a clown show. It is a weird combination of incompetence and evil. And THAT is bad for the world in general.

Russian state media are mocking the United States for prioritizing WNBA player Brittney Griner over former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan because of Griner’s race and sexual orientation.

RT editor in chief Margarita Simonyan in a television appearance Thursday said she was “very amused but not surprised” that the Biden administration swapped Griner, rather than Whelan, for notorious Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, as Whelan has “three problems.”

The three problems? White, male, and heterosexual. Wow.

Whelan, a former Marine convicted in 2020 on manufactured espionage charges, has spent two years in a Russian penal colony. “I was arrested for a crime that never occurred,” he told CNN Thursday. “I don’t understand why I’m still sitting here.” During the television segment, Simonyan and the other panelists repeatedly refer to Whelan as a spy and repeat the trumped-up charges against him.

So, far from the US being “respected,” as all the anti-Trump idiots said, we are an impotent laughingstock, a “pigeon” to be rolled. Merely a blithering milch cow.

Victor Bout!? Are you freakin’ kidding me? Ho-lee crap! It’s just so strikingly and manifestly evil!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Team Biden, where up is down and down is up…

Lefty Political Philosophy

Today’s Lefties:

Democrats of yesteryear were made of FAR sterner stuff! MOST people would just be embarrassed!

Current Events

I’m telling you,

you don’t want to mess with the Japanese!


There are things

for you to do!

Election Fraud

Yeah, that’s

not fishy or NOTHING!

Look, those of us who are scientists KNOW that when you see a pattern that does not match known, historically-based expectations, you start looking for NON-RANDOM error!

Dishonesty Immorality

Well, we have long

strongly suspected this. But now we KNOW…

So you who supported this and yet pranced around portraying yourself as moral: Just how do you justify this to yourself? Huh?

And then they denied it. As one author said, “Jack [@Twitter] be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack be exposed as a lying prick!

Guys, take a hard look at who you are!

Don’t be “whited sepulchers:” Beautiful on the outside but inside full of dead men’s bones and all manner of impurity!

Buffoons Current Events

Uhm, sounds

really good to me!

Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel has been a total flop. Or worse, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And the fact that she is seeking an unprecedented FOURTH term is truly beyond reason and comprehension.

There is NO question that I want RINO scalps! And she is a big-time RINO, just like her dad.

Hey Ronna, when you drastically underperform, you lose your position! Is this really that hard to understand? I mean, why is she even still there?

Go. Just go. Don’t make this awkward…

Deliberate Ignorance

Honestly, what’s

wrong with you if you are so avoidant of the obvious facts? It’s just un-freakin-believable!

OK, honest question: How can you have lived through the past three years and NOT even a little bit suspicious or even curious?

Holy crap! Why are Lefty hacks so studiously and deliberately ignorant? I mean, it’s kinda creepy and more than a bit “culty.”

Political philosophy

Well, if there’s

one thing we’ve learned from recent events…


Indeed they don’t

And then you add an inflated sense of self and a cocksure sense of moral and intellectual superiority, and voila! you have a modern Leftist…

And there ate terrible consequences: