
Hey did you

see the news?

Oh, it’s funny. Deadly, but funny.

Current Events

And I REALLY think

that it’s absolutely true. “Biden” wants to goad Republicans into getting violent (you know, like The Left) so he can bring the hammer down on them. I don’t know, maybe he wants to declare martial law. Whatever it takes to destroy those who disagree with him.

We can only hope and pray that doesn’t happen, but if it does, you can bet that his [Biden’s] party will use it as justification for more authoritarian action. 

Yeah, I really hope it doesn’t happen. There is just nothing good down that road…

Despotism Disgusting!

Indeed, apart from

a raving lunatic “vote blue no matter who” numbskull crowd, people are starting to turn away from Democrat ass-hattery.

And little shows that in higher relief than Biden’s speech last night.

Joe Biden harangued and threatened the nation for 20 minutes on national TV on Thursday in a speech that will be remembered for its vicious rhetoric and blood-red lighting.

… There is a very real possibility that Biden will back up his threatening speech with actions. He may not round us up in ghettos (at least not in his first term) but make no mistake: He just declared war on 74 million of his fellow Americans. If Republicans don’t win big in the midterms, or if Joe Biden gets a second term, there will be no stopping the Left. Our most sacred rights—freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to bear arms—could go away—poof—like all that student debt he just “forgave.”

… For most politicians, Independence Hall in Philadelphia would be the perfect backdrop for a patriotic speech. But Biden’s handlers apparently thought it would be better to stage the boss’s dark rhetoric with blood-red lighting and shadowy Marines standing at attention, suggesting a cross between the 6th circle of Hell and a Fidel Castro rally.

But you know, it won’t turn out well for this despotic cabal.

As part of the Democrats’ unwitting effort to help Republicans win even bigger in November, Biden’s puppet masters decided to pump him full of extra Adderall (h/t VodkaPundit) and stick him in front of a microphone so he could tell 74 million people that he hates us.

…What we saw was the panic and flop sweat of every Washington power player inside the Beltway.

Current Events


may be coming to its senses.

Sorry, but I don’t support NAZI sympathizers or despots. Do you?

Current Events

So much for

Biden’s Sith Lord speech, eh?

Honestly, I don’t know whether Biden is insane, demented, or both. Why on earth would anyone vote for him? I don’t get it.

Current Events

Well, it actually

IS about the stroke. At least to a large extent.

Look, I have as much sympathy for stroke victims as anyone. But the plain truth is that he is simply not able to do the job. And it is NOT only the stroke…

Look, I have MS. I can’t walk. HINT: Don’t choose me to be on your basketball team! I’m not offended, it is just the truth.

And the truth is that an unfortunate brain injury renders Fetterman a BAD choice for the Senate–not to mention his horrible politics.

But they’re not offended. Fetterman’s just not up to it. And his campaign appears to have made a strategic decision not to pretend otherwise, for now.

… I suspect his reluctance to debate *isn’t* fundamentally about his health issues. I believe his campaign when they say he’s having issues with “chaotic auditory environments” but the foremost reason a candidate in his position shouldn’t want to debate isn’t because of his hearing. It’s because he’s in the lead, has turned the campaign into a referendum on Oz’s authenticity, and shouldn’t want to mess with that by putting himself in highly visible situations where his ideological radicalism might be exposed. For the moment, he’s just the chill dude in the hoodie who happened to have had a stroke. He can get elected as that guy. But can he get elected as Bernie 2.0? That’s the risk of a debate.

You could have a debate with no audience–with just Oz, Fetterman, and a moderator sitting around a table. I hope Oz suggest that post-haste!

But see, THAT reveals that Fetterman is an oaf. So he won’t do it.

Epic fail Evil

Wow! That is

ugly! Who is the blamed fool who thought this was a good idea?

MAJORLY divisive speech, bathed in red light, with armed Marines backing him up.

It was horrible judgment. Even notable Lefties agree:

Meanwhile, even CNN talent was unnerved by the display. Chief National Affairs Correspondent Jeff Zeleny took issue with the staging of the Marines behind Biden for such a political speech, calling it a “break with White House traditions.”

… CNN’s Brianna Keilar joined in the criticism as well saying the positioning of Marines behind Biden for a speech like Thursday night’s “flies in the face” of the idea that America’s military is “supposed to be apolitical.”

… Perhaps Biden’s combative screed that was ironically previewed by the White House as one of unity did succeed in one way: uniting media across the partisan spectrum in its criticism of the imagery the president used to back up his words.

Oh yeah, there’s unity, all right. Unity in getting rid of the dictator Joe Biden!

As one wag joked on Twitter, “Can we all bow our heads a moment in solemn memory of the White House advance man who will be found in Fort Marcy Park tomorrow.”

Yeah, staging by Leni Riefenstahl.

Just NOT a good look:

Folks, your country needs you. Let’s roll.

Current Events Stooooopid!

Yes. Tweede-dee

and Tweedle-DUMB!

Tell me smart guy, what are farmers in the western part of the state to do? I mean, the technology simply doesn’t exist!

No wonder western Oregon wants to leave and form “Greater Idaho!” These Oregonian western coast folks are total idiots! They are SO impressed with themselves and yet they don’t know their butt from a hole in the ground…


Well, I hope

it’s true.

President Joe Biden’s base of minority voters, especially blacks, Hispanics and Asians, are abandoning him ahead of the November midterm elections, driven away by an unexpectedly weak economy and poor outlook.

… What’s more, pollster Jonathan Zogby said no more than 35% of each group would choose Biden in the 2024 Democratic primaries.

… Among blacks, Biden has an approval rating of just 57.5% and a disapproval rating of 32.3%. Zogby said the president’s approval is down 17 points from his last survey.

Those are catastrophic, apocalyptic numbers for “Biden.”

I’m going to say it: I hope Biden runs in 2024.


Guys, don’t believe

everything you see. TIP: These guys are liars!

SO, this appears to have been staged. Wow, that is amazingly disgusting to any of us who actually value truth and justice over spleen. Trump was framed.