Bad Faith Biden-induced misery

Uhm, are you

even surprised? I’m sure not. ANY fool knew that this was going to happen.


Please, don’t be a hayseed in the big city for the first time…


So, do we actually have a

moral obligation to teach Leftists not to harass others? It is an interesting question.

There is NO question in my mind that morality is context-driven. What is moral in one situation is decidedly immoral in another (shooting someone in battle vs. shooting someone in downtown NYC to take their wallet, for example).

So, here is my Devil’s Advocate argument: I would contend that we actually have a moral obligation to respond to things that are destructive of the social order (as the whole Mad Maxine “Get in their Face” mentality of public protest is), and even more, we have an obligation to respond to those things effectively and educationally: teaching those engaging in destructive behavior why that behavior is wrong. And what better way to do it than to essentially treat people as they are treating others, so that they can come to understand why it is bad?

Civil Disobedience Fighting Back

Uh oh, Democrats!

Now the Irish!


Well, we can

only hope



say anything that could be taken as critical of the Left!


Fees, fees,

and more fees!

THIS is what Leftism does…

Political philosophy

Things really ARE

different now. In the past, the Left have taken the (needed) role of reformers. In terms of homes, they thought the “bones” were good–we just needed to remodel the kitchen and the bathrooms. You know, add a bathroom and maybe even a sunroom. Clear out the old plumbing that leaks and put new stuff in. Bring the electrical up to snuff.

And most of us were onboard with that. I myself have voted for Democrat reformers. Yeah, that was in the early 90s. Why only back then?

Because modern Leftists are NOT reformers, they are iconoclasts. They do not want to remodel, they want to destroy the whole thing and start re-building. They want the wrecking ball now, not the wrench.

And most of us are NOT on board for that!

I didn’t leave them, they left me. I remained the same–they changed.

It’s the same difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

In the American Revolution, the American patriots considered themselves to be Englishmen, first and foremost. They certainly were not trying to destroy the system–they were angry that according to the system they were being deprived of their rights!

They built the new government using the British model and the magna carta. The revolution was fundamentally Conservative.

OTOH, the French Revolution was not about reform, it was about destroying the current political arrangement. They didn’t want the king to treat them better, they wanted to destroy the OFFICE of a king.

So Democrats may indeed wonder why moral people reject them now. But it is because they are no longer reformers, but iconoclasts. This isn’t your father’s and grandpa’s Democrat party!

Epic fail Evil Clown

Gee, now

THERE’S an idea!

Despotism Evil

So as an employer,

you’re going to force vaccines in people? Are you sure?

This should serve as a big warning sign to companies who have done this or who would think about doing this to their employees ever again in the future.

Lame Piss-poor judgment

Democrats have a plan

to get us out of the horrible mess they created.

And it is brilliant! They even got Joe Manchin drunk and stoned so he would agree to go along with it.

Through a marijuana haze, he said:

“So, you know how we spent trillions upon trillions of dollars and wound up screwing up the economy?” said Senator Manchin. “I’ve been brainstorming for twelve months, and I think I’ve got the solution. What if – wait for it – we spend even more money? And we clamp down on domestic energy production even harder?? Pretty brilliant, right?”


Sorry, Manchin got totally worked! You know he is NOT running again–that much is obvious. I wonder if he would even make it passed the primary (probably), but he would have NO chance in the final election!
