Age-related decline Banana Republic of Brandon Current Events

You don’t have

to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing!

I have eyes, you now. And there aren’t enough amphetamine injections in the world to paper over things!

“Biden’s habit of randomly screaming for no discernible reason is a classic symptom of Alzheimer’s,” Walsh wrote in a Twitter post Tuesday night.

… With the record Joe Biden has established, a years-long habit of self-aggrandizing lies on a von Munchausen scale, it’s not hard at all to translate the utterly inappropriate screaming during Tuesday’s State of the Union address with the very real concern that the man who holds the world’s most powerful position is not entirely right upstairs.

Age-related decline Dementia Joe Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, well Biden

is a chronic and habitual liar. So in his senescent haze, it is not AT ALL surprising that he is having real problems discerning fact from fantasy.

So he does what is known as “confabulation”–he just makes stuff up. It is not lying per se, though of course what he says is untrue. He’s just adding things to the fill in the gaps of his cognitive losses. And since he never had a single problem with lying, some of the most ridiculous lies now come out of his mouth.

Biden then describes a scene (that never happened) where his Uncle Frank came over to the house with family in attendance for a ceremony to present the Purple Heart. Remember, we are talking about someone who died at least nine years prior to when this event supposedly took place.

… This is the kind of thing that would have been fact-checked to the hilt if Trump had said it. Reporters would have grilled Kayleigh McEnany on why the president had lied about something so sacred. Op-eds would have flowed like milk and honey decrying the culture of appropriation and dishonesty emanating from the White House.

… If we had a real press, he’d be lambasted for it, but we don’t so we get shrugs at what has become a continual stream of blatant lies. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a president (certainly not in my lifetime) who makes up so many personal stories, and you’d never know it without following conservative accounts on social media because none of the legacy outlets are going to tell you. They’re too busy quizzing Biden on what his favorite flavor of ice cream is.

Age-related decline Buffoons Captain Obvious


leader! Not mine, Heaven knows, but maybe yours.

Age-related decline

Look, Joe doesn’t know

what day of the week it is, let alone if his handers will have him run again!

Age-related decline

Well, the old man

needs his cheat sheet!

Age-related decline


just where IS Joe Biden?

NO ONE (Democrat) in a non-kooky district wants to be seen with him! And he is too old and feeble to hit the road, anyway.

Age-related decline Dementia Piss-poor judgment

AND it is

getting worse and worse.

YOU voted for this guy? Apologize!

It’s clear that Scar Biden is merely an evil Regent. And we are eagerly awaiting the return of the king!

To understand what’s happening, it’s best not to think of this as a Biden Presidency, but a Biden Regency.

Age-related decline

As well they

should. I mean, it is pretty dang obvious. Denial can only get the Democrats so far!

Yeah, Biden is an evil, befuddled old loony!

A recent Harvard/Harris poll found that 56 percent of Americans “have doubts” about Biden’s mental capabilities to serve as President of the U.S., while 63 percent of people said that Biden is “too old” to be in charge of the White House.

Additionally, 67 percent of Americans do not [want] Biden to run for re-election again in 2024 given the state of the country he has caused.

Age-related decline

“Oh, that’s just

Joe being Joe.”


Look, this guy was ALWAYS an idiot. It’s just far worse now.

Age-related decline Dementia

Hey Biden voters,

THIS is what you voted for!

Good job Biden voters. Good job…