Current Events



Current Events

Yeah, this is NOT

the end of the crap hitting the fan for Democrats. Where will this lead? I really don’t know.

BUT, this is a rather complex situation, and Republicans need to condense and simplify it for the masses. And that sound byte should be part of what every Republican should say in every interview.

Here it is: “Democrats illegally colluded with willing Social Media lackeys to suppress information that would damage Democrats. As a result, we have Joe Biden as President.”

Culture Current Events

Folks, this is


I gotta say, the military (Navy) has been very good for me. It was an exceptionally good call for me.

But things have really changed, and my two sons have not been encouraged. Not right now…

A report released in July says troops, veterans and their families in 2021 were less likely to recommend military service than in 2019. While most respondents still encouraged military service, the percentage dropped noticeably over the two-year interval.

And THAT is a huge problem this country faces.

Current Events

Is your stomach

turning yet? If not, you are not paying attention. OR you are just a mindless Democrat shill.

Uh, depositions are under oath, with repercussions of perjury if you lie:

According to Schmitt, the FBI was colluding with social media companies, giving them specific direction on what content to suppress. That means specific URLs and accounts. The social media companies, all led by leftwing hacks at that point, were apparently more than happy to play along.

… This is dangerous, anti-American stuff. The government should not be sticking its nose into the proliferation of free speech, online or elsewhere. In the case of Hunter Biden, a major American news outlet, The New York Post, was banned and censored for reporting factual information.

Current Events

Lefties, don’t

jam your heads in the sand!

Folks, we have solutions and have had it for hundreds of years: Almost ALL governance is done at the local level with a federal gov’t doing only a very few things, Federalism, and repeal of the direct election of Senators idiocy!

Grassroots movements of Americans seekingĀ a political divorceĀ from their fellow citizens have recently gained traction amid deepening cultural rifts, according to multiple figures involved with secessionist organizations who spoke to Fox News Digital.

Yeah, you can say that it will never happen (though I think changes to state borders are entirely possible), but let’s not be willfully blind to the sentiment behind the proposals!

Current Events Morality

Yes, it’s a problem.

Apple is despicable, and I very much want to get rid of my iPhone and get a different brand. I have to get a new phone soon, anyway–after 5 years the one I have is a bit long in the tooth.

BUT, I am trapped in Apple’s ecosystem–which, of course, has been their strategy for years. I mean, some of the hassles are mere inconveniences, but there are a few more major issues. There is content I don’t want to lose that I will if I change over. Sure, there are complicated work-arounds that take me 90% there, but it simply is NOT an equal swap.

Plus the fact that I’m an old bugger, and having to start learning a new system is not all that enticing.

Still, I don’t want to support “woke” slavers. And in the end, THAT may well lead to me ditching my iPhone. Still, it’s not like other manufacturers are much better, so it may be just going from “terrible” to “really bad.” I feel like I am between a moral rock and a hard place.

I need to think about it…

Current Events

Being a Leftist takes

some real … flexibility.

Current Events

Yeah, walk it back.

Waaaalk it back! Iger was brought in to salvage things. But that is rather a herculean task.

“Funny” how things change when the bottom line is threatened, eh?

Current Events


Current Events

Yes, for sure


You know a man by his enemies…