Epic fail Fools Illegal Immigration

The NY Times

backpedals furiously.

Democrats saw what happened in Europe last week, and they can read the polls. The Biden administration’s policy of mass illegal immigration is hugely unpopular, and after nearly four feckless years, the Democrats are finally going to pay a price. So this morning’s New York Times email suggests that it is time to change course.

Yes, “Biden” has seen how disastrously unpopular his throwing the doors open to illegal immigration is, and suddenly he saying that he will limit it.

But he is lying. Again. Yet again. He has ONLY pretendedly “seen the light” because he has felt the heat. But again, he is just lying in a lame attempt to fool the rubes.

Puh-leez! Don’t be a sucker, a gull, a slack-jawed fool…

Epic fail

I guess we have

to learn to suffer the “bandwagon” folks. Well, OK. Welcome aboard!

But, of course, SOME of us knew early on, and we tried to warn others…

Epic fail

You know,

Keltz may be right, here. I think it’s a bit early to tell for sure, but it is certainly trending in that direction!

This was a Stalinist show trial with a predetermined outcome, brought forth by a corrupt, radical George Soros funded prosecutor who campaigned on “getting Trump”—overseen by an equally corrupt and conflicted Trump hating judge who donated to Joe Biden’s campaign in 2020 and whose daughter works for a Democrat political campaign firm that raised $93 million off of the Trump trial.

… Every objective human being who doesn’t suffer from a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome knows there was no wrongdoing in a case whose statute of limitations had passed, where there was no violation of federal campaign finance laws and where the state of New York had no jurisdiction to prosecute such a crime—but somehow managed to elevate a supposed false bookkeeping charge into a felony.

… Trump’s legal team was not even made aware of what he was even being charged with until after the defense had already rested and thus could no longer respond to the prosecution’s outrageous claims, which were predicated on the words of a convicted perjurer, serial liar and vengeful former Trump attorney.

Americans simply bristle at, “Blatantly and grossly unfair.” And they vote accordingly. And Merchan was very obviously chronically and deliberately unfair. And if they can do this to a super-wealthy former POTUS, just think of what they can do to YOU!

This may prove to be an epic fail on the part of Democrats.It’s just not a good look for them.

Epic fail Humor

Yeah, ain’t

NOBODY gonna like that!

Energy Epic fail

EVs are great

in a very limited circumstance. If ALL driving is local and I go home each evening and charge it and it is a warm place and gas prices are astronomical and I have an ICE primary car, an EV might make a lot of sense.

But the truth is, the EV bubble is bursting. Tesla FSD Autopilot just went from $12,000 to $8,ooo. If YOU were a lender, would YOU lend on this? Several year ago I knew a smug Prius owner (aren’t they all smug?) who had to replace the battery in his car. It cost him a little over $20 grand. You can buy a lot of gas for $20 grand…

There are now murmurings that Tesla could go bankrupt. I like Elon Musk, and we need him: I fervently hope that he has gotten most of his money out of Tesla.

It won’t work, you know. EVs, that is. You can’t spin gold out of straw!

Electric vehicles are a novelty item and have been for over a century. There is no way that our automobile fleet will be converted from internal combustion to batteries, just as there is no way we can or will replace fossil fuels and nuclear power with wind- and solar-generated electricity. The whole thing is a fantasy. But the damage that will be done to our economy, our livelihoods and our national security, in pursuing that fantasy, is incalculable.

EV’s will always be a “niche” product. And they might do very well in some niche settings. But they are NOT a mainstream product!

If you want a luxury car with good gas mileage, both Acura and Lexus sell cars with 30 to 37 mpg specs. They are less expensive than an EV, and a TON nicer. And no child slave labor, to boot!

Epic fail

Honestly I don’t

know who is stupider, the CA elected officials or the morons who keep voting for them. It’s like a race to the bottom…

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you go from a $100 billion surplus to a $73 billion deficit in little more than a year. California’s $173 billion turnaround from red to black is unprecedented in the histories of all 50 states. 

But it’s also just one more example of Californians getting what they voted for, good and hard — and I don’t expect them to mend their ways anytime before the entire state has gone Full Detroit.

Economics Epic fail Evil Clown


is killing us!

The dark reality of Bidenomics is 18.8% inflation under the President’s watch, which is 6.0% on an annual basis. When he took office, inflation was at just 1.4%. Since March 2021, it has stayed above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target (37 consecutive months.)

Inflation results from excessive Federal Reserve money printing and government spending, expanding the money supply. This leads to prices rising and effectively acts as a hidden tax on everyone.

…According to Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, the typical U.S. household now requires $1,069 more each month (equivalent to $12,828 annually) compared to three years ago.

Yeah, it’s a BIG issue, and people are rightly worried.

Epic fail

Well, yeah.

People are heartily sick of “Biden.” He is an obvious usurper who cheated his way into office, and he has been utterly incompetent in terms of running the country. It’s a tough job, and “he” is simply not up to it! Sure, he is now as senile as the day is long, but he was never particularly competent.

And people absolutely have noticed. Being the chief executive is not as easy as falling off a log! And Biden, by nature, is not an executive at all!

He is like the cat who cheated his way into winning the dog show. But now, even though he has won, he is still a cat.

The latest Fox News national survey shows former President Donald Trump pushing out to his largest general election lead in the history of the polling series — in any of the three cycles in which Trump has run.  His advantage over incumbent President Joe Biden sits at five percentage points in this data set, both in the head-to-head matchup (Trump hits 50 percent on this question) and the ‘crowded field’ scenario.  For what it’s worth, Trump’s lead in a hypothetical battle against Vice President Kamala Harris is slightly larger, at six percentage points.  

Bizarre Dishonesty Epic fail

This guy is

just such a liar! Of course, maybe he’s just so senile that he can’t tell the difference between fact and his self-aggrandizing fantasies.

Well, I can.

Joe, pro tip: It’s not always about you! In any case, his staff failed him!

Epic fail Evil Clown

It’s pretty clear

from just watching: “Dr. Feelgood” was very active with Joe. His pupils were as big as saucers–as is typical for methamphetamine ingestion.


This was a terrible speech terribly delivered. It’s a good thing no drug test was required before the address. Biden sounded hopped up. He spoke too fast. He slurred his words. He was frequently difficult to understand. He shouted a variety of clichés and shibboleths as though we might otherwise miss their depth and meaning. The disparity between the shibboleths and the shouting was almost funny.