Energy Epic fail

EVs are great

in a very limited circumstance. If ALL driving is local and I go home each evening and charge it and it is a warm place and gas prices are astronomical and I have an ICE primary car, an EV might make a lot of sense.

But the truth is, the EV bubble is bursting. Tesla FSD Autopilot just went from $12,000 to $8,ooo. If YOU were a lender, would YOU lend on this? Several year ago I knew a smug Prius owner (aren’t they all smug?) who had to replace the battery in his car. It cost him a little over $20 grand. You can buy a lot of gas for $20 grand…

There are now murmurings that Tesla could go bankrupt. I like Elon Musk, and we need him: I fervently hope that he has gotten most of his money out of Tesla.

It won’t work, you know. EVs, that is. You can’t spin gold out of straw!

Electric vehicles are a novelty item and have been for over a century. There is no way that our automobile fleet will be converted from internal combustion to batteries, just as there is no way we can or will replace fossil fuels and nuclear power with wind- and solar-generated electricity. The whole thing is a fantasy. But the damage that will be done to our economy, our livelihoods and our national security, in pursuing that fantasy, is incalculable.

EV’s will always be a “niche” product. And they might do very well in some niche settings. But they are NOT a mainstream product!

If you want a luxury car with good gas mileage, both Acura and Lexus sell cars with 30 to 37 mpg specs. They are less expensive than an EV, and a TON nicer. And no child slave labor, to boot!