Basic Economics Epic fail

Well, the Biden

Buffoonery® has left ALL of us looking at alternatives!

Buffoons Epic fail

Here comes

stagflation! Good job, Democrat voters! YOU own this!

Captain Obvious Epic fail

Well, welcome

to the real world, Joe! I know it’s a place you haven’t visited for decades and decades and decades…

There are two types of people in America — those who had high hopes for all of this and those of us who aren’t idiots.

… President LOLEightyonemillion’s approval ratings have now exited the toilet and headed for the deepest recesses of the sewer, where they will no doubt take up permanent residence for the remainder of this joke of a presidency.

You can cheat and have a cat win a dog show, but eventually folks will wonder, and realize that it can’t bark and is mesmerized by laser pointers.

“Morale inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is plummeting amid growing fears that the parallels to Jimmy Carter, another first-term Democrat plagued by soaring prices and a foreign policy morass, will stick,” reports Politico. “The president has expressed exasperation that his poll numbers have sunk below those of Donald Trump...”

His numbers are abysmal despite the fact that the mainstream media has been carrying water for him 24/7 ever since he emerged as the frontrunner in 2020. They’ve become a full-time excuse machine to cover for the drooling embarrassment in the White House.

But we ALL know what happened!

The MSM sold a version of Joe Biden who never existed to gullible voters who’d been whipped into a frothing, animalistic, Trump-hating frenzy. Whipped into it by the lying media.

Epic fail

Biden is seeing

30% of Black voters strongly or somewhat disapproving of him. THAT is catastrophic!

And it is June.


What we may be seeing an election where at the very least Black voters are not all that motivated to go vote. THIS is why vote-by-mail is such a horrible idea!

Economy Epic fail

The Joe Biden

economy sucks! And no amount of dishonest shucking and jiving on his part changes that one iota. (language warning!)

Epic fail

Biden is an

utter failure. Historically unpopular.

He is 490 days into his term and at this point, he has lower average approval numbers than any president at 40.9 percent, going all the way back to Harry Truman in 1945. It’s also Biden’s lowest average approval so far. Given that this is going into the midterms, that’s a nightmare for the hopes of the Democrats. [emphasis added]

… Biden’s approval in a new Reuters/Ipsos poll also hit the lowest ever in that poll: 36 percent. The poll showed his numbers are still dropping precipitously, dropping 6 percent from the week before. So if he thought resorting to calling people “ultra MAGA” was going to be his salvation, not so much.

Epic fail

Just who is Robert


Nice lipstick, Bob!

Buffoons Captain Obvious Epic fail

Thanks, “Biden.”

And please, don’t be confused, “Biden” created this mess. And he/they (we are legion) keep deliberately making it worse.

So, Biden won by fraud, but there were folks who foolishly voted for him. Do they know better, now? Certainly, some do. And they apologize.

But others are just too narcissistic to admit that they (THEY!) were wrong. They cling grimly to their media-induced Trump hatred and their rigid political hackery.

Way to go, Biden voters. Way to go…

Epic fail Evil

Yeah, it’s

just amazing!

Stupid is as stupid does, Jenn-nay!

Epic fail

Yes indeed

Democrats, winter is coming.

During a Thursday luncheon last week with DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney, Frontline Democrats – the party’s most endangered lawmakers – were told that, in battleground districts, the generic Republican is beating the generic Democrat, 47-39, according to lawmakers, multiple party officials and the DCCC.

Now the issue is ONLY whether the elections will be free and fair or not…

The only pollster giving Democrats a lead outside the margins of error in this list is YouGov, which has been a consistent D+4 – D+6 outlier. Without them in the mix, this chart would look even worse.

… The primaries taking place this spring should serve as a siren on that point. Last month, Ohio had competitive primaries for both parties in their statewide gubernatorial and US Senate elections, and Republican turnout was double that of Democrats.