Hypocrisy Lefty Death-Rattle


the hypocrisy is astounding!

I mean, you think it’s parody, but it’s not…

But don’t kid yourself, the Right is rising. Trump keyed into the anger of normal people. So, what we are seeing now is the violent death rattle of the Left.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not so naïve as to not understand that a cockatrice will emerge from the den of the vanquished asp. Still, the asp is dying, and THAT is a good thing!

The fact that the cockatrice is coming is no reason to not kill the asp…

Still, things are changing. But there are more and more people who don’t mind shouldering the obloquy of the Left and the housebroken Right.

The second thing worth bearing in mind is that this novel exhibition of backbone by the Right is due almost entirely to Donald Trump.

… Donald Trump’s governing passion can be summed up in one word: winning. Similarly, his path to that goal can be summed up in one word: fighting. He showed the Right that it was OK to win and that the way to win was to stand up for the things you professed to care about. It seemed like a novel idea in 2016. The Left, and the spineless Right, have done everything that could be done to resuscitate that nerveless impotence. 

Current Events Hypocrisy


a mass exodus from Lefty places.

BUT, I have a question for you Lefties: If you are really committed, why don’t you leave your cushy life in a comfortable conservative state and move to, say Portland, Oregon? I mean, people are leaving those places so real estate should be OK.

I think we ALL know very well what the answer to that question is: Lefties in conservative states want the status of being a Left-wing rebel but also want a decent life. I mean, they profess beliefs but their actions totally undercut their professions!

… the end of the COVID-19 pandemic has done nothing to arrest the trend of people fleeing large cities in liberal coastal states for more pleasant and orderly locales, particularly in the Mountain West and the Sun Belt.

…It is hardly a coincidence that all 15 of the 15 fastest-growing cities and towns between July 2020 and July 2021 are in states that Republicans govern: Arizona, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and Idaho. And 14 out of the 15 fastest-declining cities during the same period were in states that Democrats governed at the time.

But here’s the real issue:
What towns and cities gaining population generally have in common both before and during COVID-19 is that they live under laws made by Republicans. What towns and cities losing population have in common is that they live under laws made by Democrats.

Open your eyes! The effects of political philosophy are really quite clear. DUH!

Evil Hypocrisy

Look, it’s

ALL fake! Hey Democrats, how ’bout you have a little personal integrity? Is that so much to ask?


Listen to

the Pope!

Or Biden:

Dishonesty Hypocrisy Immorality

Graham has turned

out to be a pretty nasty piece of work.

Graham, Romney, Cheney… They have ALL shown themselves to be turds.

And what is frustrating is the lying! Having them pretend to be something they are not is just aggravating. Whether it’s “Pierre” Romney begging for a cabinet spot with Trump and then viciously turning on him when Trump doesn’t go along or Liz Cheney’s open betrayal, it is maddening. Just stand up for what you actually believe!

And Graham has the skills to actually help. But no, he has chosen the “dark side” and pretends to be one thing when he is really another.

No more RINOs, OK?


The Left’s

favorite concepts. Not overly consistent.

Evil Hypocrisy Ignoramuses

Yes indeed,

lovely people…

Let me translate: “Kiss my butt, you hypocrite!


Yeah, that’s

what you call irony.

Actually, it’s just hypocrisy…

Hypocrisy Piss-poor judgment

Don’t you just

HATE it when you get hoisted by your own petard?

Republican lawmakers say Democrats are now seeing the unpopularity of their fee hikes. “That’s not surprising they are delaying implementation … they are trying to minimize the pain that mostly they caused,” Sen. Chris Holbert, the Republican leader, told John [the author].

… “If you really cared, you’d just repeal it,” quipped Jesse Mallory, state director for the conservative Americans for Prosperity.

SPOILER: They don’t really care…

Look, they are just mad that their abysmal judgment is now biting them in the butt!