
Good! At least

Ron DeSantis is willing to do the right thing! I always liked this guy…


Good! The only

way you fix this mess is to make sure colleges have some skin in the game. Right now, they get all the money while students are left with a Women’s Studies degree, barista jobs, and crushing debt that can’t even be discharged with bankruptcy, all the while living in mom’s basement with no prospect of ever leaving.

Marriage and family is not even a consideration for them–and THAT is probably the ultimate goal…

Dishonesty Justice


what do you make of this?

(Random internet commenter): I think the fact that just about every prominent Democrat has dirt on Biden, and that they’re in a panic because they think he’ll lose in 2024, means some of them will spill the beans on his various schemes to try and knock him off the ballot before it’s too late.

I think this particular commenter is entirely correct. As it becomes obvious what will happen, there will be a mad dash for them to head for the exits! To one extent or another, they will all distance themselves as much as they can from Biden in a grim (and rather duplicitous) effort to save their own carcasses.

Evil Justice Media Flying Monkeys

I think

this is why we have seen the lackey MSM pile on Joe Biden these last few days. They knew it was coming!

And now there are hearings where things are coming out!

It just doesn’t stop!


It’s all starting to see the light of day.

THIS is why the MSM is starting to turn on Joe Biden. It is not honesty, it is a stampede of rats leaping off a sinking ship!


Can we get a few

consequences, here?

Now we’re in a pickle. Whatever happens in this election, I would like to see some consequences for the games played with our democracy in 2020.  Elections belong to the voters, not the insiders. Or at least they should.


Justice for Biden

But the issue is that just because a defendant is incompetent in no way means that they shouldn’t be charged! They can plead insanity or the judge can make a ruling of incompetence, sure. But the special prosecutor doesn’t just drop a case because a person might be adjudicated incompetent!

Well, unless it is SO obvious that it is clear what will happen (the accused is a non-verbal Down Syndrome person, for example). So is Joe so obviously impaired that he fits in that category?

Because if Biden is really that far gone (and he vehemently denies any problem at all), how is he competent to discharge the duties of that office?

Special Counsel Robert Hur only revealed President Joe Biden’s mental incompetency in order to explain why he was not being prosecuted, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow in a Friday interview.

It’s a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t situation.


There is just a lot

of juicy goodness for the non-Left in Hur’s report. Again, Biden could have fought a simple accusation of malfeasance. But this is more–he is found both guilty AND mentally incompetent.

And I think this is the coup de grâce for the Biden re-election campaign.

See, it puts Biden in a major bind: If he agrees that he is mentally incompetent, he is technically guilty of the act/crime but should not be tried because he lacks the mens rea for the crime. But, of course, he also should not hold office.

But if he says he is mentally competent and can hold office, that means that he also can and should stand trial.

He really doesn’t want to be charged, but in that case he also wants to be found competent. So it’s a devil’s dilemma for him. Either he is competent and should be tried, or he is incompetent and should not be–but he is also not competent to be President.

So which is it, Joe?

Dementia Joe Justice

I have done MANY

competency to stand trial evaluations for the courts. Clearly, Biden is not competent to stand trial. But you voted for him and think he is competent to be POTUS? Huh?

It’s a mess.

In short, the report makes it clear that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” and that such actions “present serious risks to national security.” But it also assessed Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory” and that it would be difficult to convince a jury he is guilty of a serious felony because to commit such a crime “requires a mental state of willfulness.” Further, the report recounts how he couldn’t remember when he was vice president and didn’t even remember when his son Beau died.

Yup. The report says Joe is so impaired the he is legally not competent to stand trial. He is not able to have the requisite mens rea to be legally convicted. In other words, he is guilty as Hell, but it is not fair to try such an incompetent, brain-addled person–he can’t understand the charges against him and/or is not capable of aiding in his own defense. Wow!

The Special Counsel’s finding that President Biden ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials’ and engaged in practices that ‘present serious risks to national security’ is deeply disturbing.

… Among the most disturbing parts of this report is the Special Counsel’s justification for not recommending charges: namely that the President’s memory had such ‘significant limitations’ that he could not convince a jury that the President held a ‘mental state of willfulness’ that a serious felony requires…

Is this what a victory for Joe Biden looks like? Jeez, no wonder he won’t do the Super Bowl interview!

Actually, I think that this is about the worst possible outcome for Biden. If he had been indicted, he could have rallied his troops to defend him. But in this case it was recommended not to file charges–not because Biden is innocent (and Hur found that Biden is totally guilty) but because he is mentally incompetent to stand trial.

THAT is the worst of all possible outcomes. And even worse, I think this does indeed put us in 25th Amendment territory…

PS: Sorry for the profanity, but the rhyme was just fantastic!

A Butt-Kicking Justice

And Elon Musk

is bankrolling her in her suit against Disney and Lucasfilm.

Anger Justice

Uhm, maybe

this wasn’t a good idea, Leftists!