Political philosophy

Well gee,

who didn’t know that?

If someone subscribes to the NY Times and yet claims to be “a moderate,” you know they are lying through their teeth! Don’t be snookered by these charlatans.

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that contributors at The New York Times criticizing the paper’s coverage of transgender issues shows that The New York Times is “a very woke newspaper” and the newsroom “is not a balanced place.”

Bad Faith Dishonesty

Yeah, it

sure is!

But you knew they were liars, right? Oh, they might tell you the truth, but you can’t know that in real time!

The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday acknowledged there’s a “lack of trust” in the Biden administration as he visited the site of an Ohio train derailment where toxic chemicals were spilled or burned off and where residents fear for the safety of their air and drinking water.

Think about the boy who cried “Wolf! It’s a lesson Biden and most Democrats have never learned…

Captain Obvious Current Events

THIS will not

end well.

Current Events

The Mendelian

Spousal Unit (MSU) is being forced to buy Crocs™ because of a medical foot condition. She HATES Crocs and has made derisive fun of them for 30 years. Even now she is saying that she will bow to reality and wear them in the house but will never go out of the house with them on.

They had some in a snakeskin pattern that she could settle for, but they were out of her size. Bummer.

I can hear her chuntering over at the other computer, “Oh Crocs, why are you so dang ugly?

Fighting Back


You know, sometimes you really have to fight back!

Lefties are used to insulting and calling names with almost total impunity. And of course, that has led to them to do it more and more. Sometimes you do indeed need to sock the bully in the mouth!

The days of being the Left’s mute victims is over! This is a new day.

Captain Obvious

Hey, every

day is different! person might change sexual identity every 10 minutes!

Don’t be so rigid!

Anti-Semitism Evil

Oh, imagine


Corporate “science” has really been shown to be an emperor with no clothes, lately. For example, MANY seminal social psychology experiments (ones that were the basis of Psych 101) have been shown to be totally fraudulent.

I mean BIG, culturally relevant studies like Milgram and the Stanford Prison Experiment! Milgram was so culturally prominent that it even showed up with Bill Murray doing it in a movie!

The problem is NOT with science. It is with scientists. And they have discredited Science as a whole. The damage in human terms is incalculable.

Moron Psychopathology

The malevolent and

psychopathological narcissism with these people is simply astounding! Get these Bozos out of here! <sheesh!>

What’s WRONG with them? I’m just sure that lady has an apartment full of cats to get back to…

Lefty Squalor

Well, you KNEW

it was going to happen.

And the result of this piss-poor governance is that many people will suffer. Such is always the case with Leftism…



good! We really could use a little sanity, here! If I deliberately do something that I know will lead to death and/or disability for a significant proportion of people, I am legally liable for any damages.

I MUST get Informed Consent, or I am guilty of (at least) malpractice and arguably assault!

Two Republican Idaho lawmakers introduced a bill this week that would criminalize the administration of the mRNA COVID shots.

… Those who administer the mRNA shots would be charged with a misdemeanor under the law.

… The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA technology involves injecting genetic material encased in lipid nanoparticles into a body to help it produce spike proteins that mimic the COVID virus, ostensibly to help the body fight off future infections. Unfortunately, the material doesn’t stay in the injection site, the lipid nanoparticles travel throughout the body, and in many cases attach themselves to major organs, including the heart and brain where the spike proteins can do irreparable damage. It is not currently known how long the spike proteins stay in the body—it appears to vary from person to person.

“In Florida alone, there was a 1,700% increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in overall vaccine administration for the same time period,” the surgeon general said in a letter to the FDA.