DUH! Lefty Violence

I really don’t

recommend that you go there. Let’s just say that it wouldn’t be prudent…

The robbers use stolen cars and hit specific neighborhoods, accosting people and taking their valuables while brandishing automatic weapons in their faces.

And it’s NOT one house or one person. It is a gang of marauders who hit an entire area. Because there is little to no law enforcement. Your Democrat city in action…

“I think everyone is so freaked out, who’s lived in this area for a long time, because of the random and brazen nature of what’s happening right now,” said Rod O’Connor, who has lived in the Humboldt Park area for more than two decades. “I want the next generation of shooters to not become shooters, but the generation right now is what we’re all freaked out about and why I worry about my kid riding her bike two blocks from her house.”

I have a suggestion for Mr. O’Connor–Don’t vote Democrat. How dense can you be?

Chicago: Come for the food, stay because you were murdered there!

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