Current Events Morality Truth

Why would you

risk (or give) your life for anything if nothing is transcendent–if ALL there is is this life alone? If there IS no transcendence or “God” or anything beyond what you feel and want right now; In that case, there is no rational reason at all!

If ALL is material, then there is no good reason, from a personal stance, to do ANYTHING that is not manifestly prelude to a very certain payoff for YOU.

There IS no honor, valor, or morality without a belief in SOMEthing more than one’s current experience. Some sort of transcendence. SOME kind of “Truth-Teller.”

For the materialist, all morality is just socially convenient myth at best. There is no transcendence at all. A person conquers according to his or her strength and prospers according to his or her wit and whatever he (or she) does is certainly no moral crime. Just “Imagine!’

But the hard truth is that there IS no morality without God. And there is no virtue in bravery or sacrifice without God–without God, those are concepts meant ONLY to fool people into making things better for others. You know, The Winners.

So it is more than a bit ironic to hear those who proclaim themselves atheists put forth moral principles–principles that require God to make even a lick of sense!

Look, if you are an atheist, there ARE no moral truths! There is ONLY Nihilism. And Post-Modernism is explicitly Nihilistic. But then again, ALL atheistic belief belief systems are, at their core, Nihilistic. And it is logically necessary for it to be so.

Lefty Political Strategy

Yeah, Democrats

SHOULD be nervous!

Plus, Biden absolutely needs needs the vote of Black people in order to win! Oh, and West is Black, by the way. So Biden has to be a bit careful, here.

You watch, he will have (Black) surrogates push back. That way he can perhaps avoid too much backlash…




Two-time Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone joined “The Claman Countdown” last week to discuss his new documentary, “Nuclear Now,” which explores the misconceptions behind the energy source and how other countries are approaching the industry

Bad Faith

Oh, and just note:

No TN shooter’s manifesto yet…

Do you wonder why? I sure don’t!

Chumps Dishonesty

Look, we’ve ALL

had enough of Mitt Stinkin’ Romney!

Romney is absolutely dishonest. He pretended to be something he wasn’t in order to get elected.

“And — yet again — Mitt Romney gives a milquetoast response, showing us once more, he has no backbone,” Staggs said.

… “This guy votes to add trillions in spending, votes twice to impeach President Trump, but then turns around and votes to confirm guys like Open Borders Mayorkas and Radical Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson,” he said, adding “it’s unacceptable.”

Romney is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And he only got to where he is by lying to the good people of Utah! Sorry, I don’t side with dishonesty…

He is the reincarnation of that lying moral turd Harry Reid, only with better hair!


Well the case

is closed: It WAS a lab leak. There is really no logical or scientific disagreement, now.

Corruption Injustice

Honestly, did

anyone NOT know that?

Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian owner of Burisma, was the “foreign national” involved in the alleged “criminal bribery scheme” detailed in an FBI confidential human source form, and Zlochevsky referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy” during a conversation a number of years before the June 2020 date of the bureau form, according to sources familiar with the FBI record who described its contents to the Washington Examiner.

… Tony Bobulinski, a former Navy lieutenant who had been business partners with Hunter Biden, was one of the email recipients, and said in October 2020 that “the big guy” is “a reference to Joe Biden.” Bobulinski said before the final Trump-Biden debate that “Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals.”

… Joe Biden has frequently maintained that he has “never” spoken with Hunter about his overseas business dealings, but he had reassured Hunter Biden in a voicemail that he was in the “clear” following the release of an article covering his dealings with CEFC.

Lefty Intellectual Rigidity Media Flying Monkeys

CNN drama

shows the impossibility of fixing the MSM. I think that now it may well be passed the point of no return.

The recent drama at CNN is just emblematic of the fact that nearly all of America’s major news organizations are completely and utterly beyond repair.

And here’s the money quote:

Licht spent a year trying to fix CNN and failed because no one at CNN wants to admit they have a problem. 

The FIRST step in change is to admit that there is a problem. Leftists in general have been characterologically unable to take that first step!

Current Events

The Woke is

strong with Marvel! And it is <gasp!> a story about vigilanteism. Imagine that!

Marvel Comics has been slowly moving to materially alter its “Punisher” character after years of disgust at pro-police groups and conservatives using the character’s white skull logo, but now, in the company’s latest Punisher series, it looks like they have set up the complete end of Frank Castle.

They did the wimpy “Harry Potter” thing to Frank Castle. He didn’t turn into a sniveling bureaucrat like Harry Potter did, but he has a new job as an enforcer for an organization of assassins. But like Harry Potter, he suddenly became a toady…

Yeah, as if THAT makes a lick of sense!

Like Harry Potter, it absolutely is not faithful to the character arc, but it does suck-up to the Lefty authors!

Actually, I’m just fine with Marvel running away. The real “Punisher” symbol will FAR outlive the comic book, and is already far more influential! And the new design totally sucks! Here’s the old one:

So go ahead, run away, little boy! You don’t belong here, anyway. Frank Castle would chew you up and spit your sorry soy-boy butt out…

What losers!


Chick-Fil-A (CFA)

sold out. Pure and simple. The quest for the almighty buck trumped their desire to serve The Almighty.

I used to go to CFA about once or twice a week. But I haven’t been back once since I heard that they crumped. One time I was weak and wanted to go, but the Mendelian Spousal Unit (MSU) strengthened me and refused to go herself.

Thanks, MSU!

I doubt they care one bit that they lost me as a customer, but they did.

I’m DONE with CFA! They have become just another “woketard” group. They betrayed all of us who saw them as an island of sanity in a sea of rabid wokeism. And unless they change dramatically, I will never go back.

Revelation 3:16: So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

There is a special place in Hell for weaselly turncoats…