Biden-induced misery Energy

As this article

says, gas prices are going up again, but Biden a wonderful guy and is doing all he can to bring them down for us peons.

But is he, really?

‘Cuz I have several suggestions just off the top of my head on what would lead directly to lower gas prices. Starting with the Keystone Pipeline…

Gee, I wonder why “Biden” won’t go there? DUH!

Yes, blame high gas prices on “Biden.” THAT is where the blame rests, and nowhere else. You fools who voted for Biden owe me gas money!

Biden-induced misery Evil Clown

Yeah, ANY

sentient being KNOWS that high gas prices are “Biden’s” fault.


By more than a 3-to-1 margin, a majority of likely voters said higher prices are Biden’s fault, the result of failed energy policies.

I mean, I know that Biden and his posse of dishonest cheerleaders don’t want to admit it, but it is really quite obvious to anyone with greater than room-temperature IQ. Well, I guess sheer ignorance can be a defense, also, but if you know the facts…

BY PARTY (saying it’s “Biden’s” fault):
All – 51%
Rep – 76%
Dem – 24%
Ind – 54%

The survey was the latest evidence of the growing problem Democrats are facing from voters getting whacked by inflation even as the administration attempts to shift blame to anyone but the president.

Biden-induced misery Buffoons

You know,

the leopard didn’t change his spots!

Get this drooling moron and his band of merry idiots out of there!

Biden-induced misery Illegal Immigration


it’s happening. Good! What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander…

Biden-induced misery

So know your

place, peon!