Biden-induced misery

Yeah, I certainly


And like most people, it will inform my vote in November.

Biden-induced misery Epic fail

Oh yeah!

(h/t Powerline)

Gas prices are horrible! Thanks Biden voters! Good job…

Is it November, yet? Asking for a friend…

I think we’ve ALL had enough Democrat dumbassery!

Biden-induced misery Evil

Thanks a LOT,

stupid Biden voters. You owe me gas money! <shakes head>

Biden-induced misery

Honestly now,

is there anything that is better under Biden?

It’s a great question, and a real stumper for spittle-lipped Democrat wackos.

I assess that Joe Biden has no constructive policies offsetting the catastrophes he has wrought. That is nevertheless not the way Biden or his daycare minders in the White House see it. Confronted by historically unprecedented disapproval ratings, they think they have a “messaging” problem. They think we don’t get it. They urge us to disbelieve our eyes. They think they only need to explain the wonders they have performed in their 18 months in office.

You know, it’s a pretty accurate assessment. Who could argue otherwise?

Biden-induced misery Wisdom


showing some good sense.

I’m so old I remember, circa 2018, when the United States regularly showed good sense. Ah! May those days return!

And IF there are free and fair elections, they will. Most Americans have had enough of this crap–they are too wise! Now that they have drunk out of the bitter cup of Lefty nonsense, most are not eager to again stain their lips…

Those who have lived behind the “Iron Curtain” often know a bit better than those of us who have had freedom and wisdom WELL beyond memory!

Hungary’s Minister of Justice has told Breitbart News that Western Europe has been gripped by “madness” on gender identity, but that her country will not allow such ideas to be taught to children.

Biden-induced misery Buffoons

Yeah, a pretty

stinkin’ bad week for Biden.

You KNOW when a hard Lefty like John Zogby rates your week a D- you are in a world of hurt!

His polling is at a low, he’s missing in action in the effort to fix the economy and inflation, his immigration policies are being flicked off by courts, and his PR team is so bad that he’s recruiting an old hand at the Pentagon to help out, retired Rear Adm. John Kirby.

Holy crap! Just who are the freakin’ idiots who voted for this piece of crap? Shame on you!

Biden-induced misery

You gotta place

the blame where it deserves to go!

Biden-induced misery Current Events

I really don’t

think that most people mind helping. But we don’t like being taken advantage of!

Biden-induced misery

Welcome to

the Biden paradise!

Biden-induced misery Buffoons

“Biden” on

the economy:

Honestly, how detached from reality can you be? Regular people are suffering!

Joe Biden himself? Eh, not so much. He is just excited that today is chocolate pudding day. And tomorrow is tapioca. How exotic!

The rest of us can no longer afford chocolate OR tapioca pudding. Hey, stale bread with a little molasses on it is where it’s at! And it’s a treat many of us can afford several times a year!

At least, that’s what I am told by Democrats. I guess we ALL have to make sacrifices. Well, most of us, anyway…

<sigh> I sure could go for $2 a gallon gas and a few mean tweets right now!