Corruption Evil


THAT is all sorts of illegal!

Odds are, they will get away scot-free with it. And yet, it is still immoral and illegal.


This was a hoax, but

THAT leads to so rather disturbing questions. Like, “What the crap is the FBI doing?” and, “What does this tell us about January 6?” and, “Is anyone safe from the FBI?”

It’s impossible to overstate the significance of the verdicts handed down last week for four men charged with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 and use a “weapon of mass destruction” in the process.

… What the jury did agree on, however, is that the Federal Bureau of Investigation engaged in entrapment. 


Yeah, they are

in real trouble.

The corporate media has finally decided to tell the truth about the corrupt behavior of America’s most problematic First Son, and they’re now reporting what most have known since October 2020. Hunter Biden is a corrupt man who has used his famous last name to sell American political access to wealthy foreigners from countries adversarial to the United States.

… CNN, initially eager to cover for the Bidens, has now admitted that a federal probe into Hunter’s finances is “heating up,” and other outlets have reported that Joe Biden might be targeted. Perhaps that’s why the media has changed its tune. 

Joe is as corrupt as the day is long…

Corruption Evil

In the immortal

words of Gilbert Godfrey, “I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from THAT surprise!”

If you didn’t know Joe is neck-deep in Hunter’s self-serving evil, you are stupid, deliberately ignorant, or both.

Smoking gun evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s shady business ventures has emerged in the form of a college recommendation letter for the son of a Chinese executive.

… Maxey said the the U.S. government’s nefarious activities “should terrify every single decent person in the West.”

Not convinced yet? Look at this.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden.

Corruption Current Events Immorality

I think it’s true

that the 2020 Presidential election was SUCH a scam and a sick joke and the Biden clan is SO amazingly corrupt and Joe is SO senile and incompetent that there is a HUGE and mounting backlash.

The Democrat lawlessness and unmitigated evil has provoked decent and moral people to action. The contrast is now undeniable, and you are forced, of logical necessity, to choose a side.

The gap between morality and immorality has greatly widened, as I predicted over the last eight years or so. And now we are about at the point now where that gap can no longer be straddled–we will ALL have to jump to one side or the other. Or fall into the ditch of filthy water and be drowned.

Be wise…