Dishonesty Hypocrisy


But I find this action reprehensible. Gender identification is fluid, morons!

The saga gained international attention and came to a head after The Post revealed last month that once outside school, Lemieux often ditches the breasts, wig and makeup and appears as a man, which sent shockwaves through the district.

One moment I might feel like wearing giant prosthetic breasts, but the next moment I may not. Don’t be so rigid, Lefties! Gender FLUID!

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t!

Epic fail Hypocrisy

Yes, Lefties are

quick to strut and preen and pontificate when they live in a safely Conservative and securely defended enclave. Sure, they don’t have either guns or intact reality testing. But their neighbors have both!

“Defund the police? Oh sure, but of course I have hired private security!”

But of course, while these folks do indeed sympathize with the rioters and miscreants, they just won’t move to Portland. Of course.

Don’t fall for what they say, believe what they do!

It’s the ultimate NIMBY! They love Leftism–just not where they live.

Hypocrisy Media Flying Monkeys

The ante has

been raised. And the MSM is totally up for the challenge!

You see, the story here isn’t that a man and his surrogates scammed a state into electing him when he wasn’t healthy enough to do the job. The story is just how courageous he is for not being able to do his job. Apparently, the US Senate is now a rehab facility for people with long-standing (and previously undisclosed) severe clinical depression. Never mind that Fetterman’s stroke has left him very clearly permanently damaged in a way that will keep him from ever truly representing his constituents.

… What truly blows my mind, though, is that these are the same press outlets that reported on Donald Trump walking down a ramp slowly and holding a glass of water with two hands, as if it was grounds for forced removal from office. Meanwhile, they pretend that Fetterman is just fine and shouldn’t resign despite how obvious it is that he’s not going to recover. The hypocrisy is off the charts.

Epic fail Hypocrisy

Do you consider

yourself to be an environmentalist?

Evil Hypocrisy

Yeah, remember?

I certainly do!

Oh, and:

Oh, it’s hypocrisy, all right. Along with hierarchy.

Energy Hypocrisy

Leftist “Green”

folks show a HUGE la belle indifférence when it comes to electrical energy.

And that goes to the massive toxic waste produced by solar and wind, as well as the copper and cobalt that HAS to be mined in order for those things to work at all.

Wisdom of the ages: There is no free lunch.

Global Warming Hypocrisy

Look, if you

really care about the “Global Warming” issue…

What’s a little mild discomfort if it will save the planet?

And if you won’t do this one simple thing, then shut the heck up!


Wow, talk about

a mealy-mouthed excuse! OTOH, at least he is honest, which is far more than most of these limousine Liberals are.

“John Kerry is our climate czar, and he uses a private jet. It’s like if the secretary of homeland security smuggled drugs in his butt. People take jets to environmental conferences. If you could run TED talks on hypocrisy, you wouldn’t need coal.”

… I can take being a bad environmentalist because almost all of us are, but I can’t take being a hypocrite. 

Hypocrisy Lefty Scheming

Well now,

isn’t that a bit surprising?

Yeah, I’m not a bit surprised…

Buffoons Captain Obvious Hypocrisy

Indeed, it is

a TOTAL laugher!

If you are simply unable to see the unequal procedures here, I don’t know that I can help you. If you buy what Garland is selling, you are a “converted” Lefty hack and there is little anyone can do to help that. This is your journey toward truth. Good luck!