Buffoons Hypocrisy

Elizabeth Warren

has a sad about her gravy train being derailed a bit!


Uhm, isn’t

That what they wanted?

But it’s all a sham. Democrats are jubilant that everything they’ve been hoping for as far as high fuel costs is coming to pass. In less than a year and a half, gas prices have nearly doubled, with the promise of much more to come.

Don’t whine now, Democrats!


Oh, there’s

no hypocrisy here!



There should never

again be an argument FOR gun control. Author the escape of Hunter Biden, ALL gun control arguments can be ended in two words: Hunter Biden.

There is just no reason anymore to take ANY Democrat seriously on this, now. IF gun control were really important to Democrats, Hunter would be in jail.

Pistol brace issues? Don’t make me laugh!


If hypocrisy

were an Olympic sport, the medal stand would be filled with Democrat mayors and governors! It’s actually kinda funny.

A Butt-Kicking Hypocrisy

McCarthy runs

rings around a CNN “gotcha” reporter!

There is NO need to kowtow to the crap-eating Lefty shills. Those days are done. I’m calling BS, now. I’m done.

Buffoons Hypocrisy


It’s what’s for dinner!


I could not

agree more. Put up or shut up! I just get sick of this crap-eating hypocrisy.

Despotism Disgusting! Hypocrisy

Catching on


h/t Powerline

Hypocrisy Lefty Squalor

Yeah, WISE

people are very careful about living in a Democrat-run place!

Of course, many Leftists know better than to actually live in a Lefty place. THEY are sure as heck not moving to Portland, Oregon!

They know that such a place is or will soon be a total Hell-hole. So they actually live in conservative places where they can simultaneously sponge off the wiser people and prance and preen and posture at how elevated and “woke” they are and how good they are for tolerating the benighted knuckle-draggers that live in their area.

But they are safe being this way, because other people (you know, those benighted knuckle-draggers) pick up the slack and make wise choices.

But they themselves would never live in a place that actually implemented their cockamamie ideas! Burglars don’t rob their house because their next-door neighbors are armed. These poseurs are “free riders,” which is why they live there in the first place!

What a disgusting sham…