Epic fail Lefty Violence

I’m telling you,

the Left is violent. Honestly, you’d have to be a willfully blind and dishonest person to truly think otherwise.

Oh, and there is a reason the Tennessee mass shooter’s “manifesto” has not yet been released. And any fool knows why–it casts “transgender” people in a negative light.

No, of course I haven’t seen it–and neither have you. But it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out what the deal is, here! OK Lefties, prove that I am wrong!

I’ll just wait…

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Violence

Well, when you

go down the path of killing babies, violence against humans in general seems OK. The basic issue here is one of personal morality. And when there is such a gaping chasm in one area, there is almost always fissures in other areas, too.

Lefty Political Strategy Lefty Violence

You are only

shocked if you have no freakin’ knowledge of history!

Yes, yes, Lefties are offended. But you know I’m right. Just ask a Lefty to denounce ANTIFA! They almost always won’t. Because that is who they ARE!

Lefty Violence Poetic Justice

I’m warning you!

You can never be sufficiently “woke” to appease the Lefty mob. If you EVER stick a toe out of line (or did so in the past) they will get the pitchforks and come for you!

You are SO comfortable in your cocoon of Lefty safety and you think that you are beyond reproach by them.

But you are wrong…

Remember how much joy the Left derived from Democrat opponents being heckled at dinner, on airplanes, in airports, in elevators … basically anywhere? Well now Code Pink heckled Biden during his peaceful DC dinner and they just can’t deal.

We told them this crap would come back to bite them eventually.

Yes, it’s bad behavior. But it is also poetic justice!

Lefty Violence

The mask drops and

the Left reverts to its violent core. Are you even surprised? I’m sure not.

I’ve been saying for well over a decade that the Left is congenitally violent. What is wrong with you if you don’t believe me? It is manifestly the truth. DUH! <sheesh!>

Ignoramuses Lefty Violence

Well good.

They SHOULD die!

Lefty Violence

Well, the Left

IS violent. It is who they truly are… Don’t be at all confused: All the happy clappy Lefty talk of rainbows and unicorns is just a gimmick to fool the rubes. Behind that mask is the face of a slavering monster.

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Violence

So, how long

do you think it will be before some Lefty kook plants explosives on Mt. Rushmore?

Don’t insult my intelligence by saying that Lefties are not merchants of violence. I’m not stupid, you know!

Lefty Violence

Yep, Leftism

IS violence!

Did you expect anything else? Look, it’s time for people of good morals to take a stand.

A group of about 100, all clad in black bloc, gathered in Grant Park on Saturday night. A flyer announcing the event declared: “If Abortions Aren’t Safe Then You aren’t Either,” the saying of the violent group Jane’s Revenge. The group then went on a rampage for “abortion rights,” smashing and vandalizing throughout the city.

… Ironically, it’s always the very liberal Starbucks that gets it in the teeth in these riots.

Evil Lefty Violence

I guess they

can’t abide an “uppity black man!”

AGAIN, did I mention that the Left is violent? Some day Conservatives may grow weary of the crap and pay Lefties back in kind. I really hope not, but one can’t poke a “nice” tiger for very long before that tiger rises up to put an end to the crap.

It won’t be nice, and I very much hope that Conservatives don’t give Lefties what they deserve–that they don’t respond in kind. But I am worried as to where this ends…