a big-time partisan speaks the truth! Well, as long as they are not running for something…
Category: Truth
it’s a pretty good idea. I kind of makes Biden look like he’s conscious!

ThoughI think tattooed eyeballs on his eyelids would be a bit more practical!
Remember, kids, it wouldn’t be funny if there were no truth to it!
Don’t judge,

just BRUTAL!
And I’m very glad to see it.
See, the main weapon Trump has is TRUTH. He doesn’t have to make up crap as to what “Biden” has done or how our lives are worse now because of him. All that is PLAINLY and incontrovertibly true. So Trump’s job is very easy that way.
But I like this ad because it targets Black men, who have been very damaged by team Biden’s economic Leftism. Black people have been tossed aside like a used Kleenex as “Biden” has catered to illegal immigrants and Jihadis.
He has been just a freakin’ nightmare for the Black community!
garlic-covered cross to Dracula!
Riot police could be seen lunging at protestors with sticks of both men’s and women’s deodorant. Protestors scattered quickly at the sight of grooming supplies, with some activists accusing police of using unnecessarily harsh crowd-dispersal methods.
It’s not that the NYT
is dumb. It’s that they are so consumed by Trump hatred that they act stupidly! It is the lens through which they look at the world. And they are no more aware of their Lefty biases than a fish is aware of the water it swims in.
Plus, they simply have no loyalty to truth. In fact, if their employees are good Post-Modernists, they don’t even believe that Truth even exists! So there is nothing else to guide them but their hopes, dreams, and fantasies.
In other words, they are NOT a “news” source. They are simply a cultural mouthpiece for the Left, but they certainly are not beholden to reporting the “objective truth.” They don’t even believe that exists! There is only a Nietzschean will-to-power imposition of viewpoint.
Take Trump, for example. They say that there is a “mountain of evidence” against him, but that is mere wish-fulfillment on its part (and on the part of gullible NYT readers). They are not saying what is true, they are saying what they automatically and uncritically assume, and is be able to be forced on others, of course. It is their cultural truth, but it is absolutely not the truth.
As for the “mountain of evidence,” what does it show? That Trump’s company falsely characterized payments to Cohen’s law firm as legal expenses, when in fact Cohen was being reimbursed for making entirely legal payments to Stormy Daniels. That is a misdemeanor on which the statute of limitations has run.
THAT means that the NYT is fundamentally unreliable. Oh, they might accidentally tell the truth at times, but one is left with the uncomfortable understanding that they may be telling the truth–or they may be just unreflectively be representing their worldview–and neither of you would know it!
the hard Left now admit that DeSantis was right.
“And people who believe in social justice have agreed this is wrong and this is bad and exposing kids to an adult world of lurid costumes and garish makeup borders on abuse. Now, hurry up and get in the car, we’re late for drag queen story hour. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a drag queen, but maybe it’s time to admit that, sometimes, drag queen story hour is more for the queen than the kids.”
Look, Maher is by no means a Conservative. Not by any stretch. But he seems to, at least at times, say the obvious truth out loud. How very un-Democrat of him!
Look, Hillary
KNOWS how to get things handled! So it’s no wonder that she is surprised.
“Being a grandmother myself, I know how busy things can get with family and work life, the temptation to just pay money to make things go away can creep up,” Clinton continued. “But the only way to completely ensure those loose lips won’t sink your ship is to sink their paddle board if you get my drift…”
Well, yeah.
An overwhelming majority of Republicans find former President Donald Trump more trustworthy than the news media when it comes to information on the Ukraine and Russia conflict.