
Be VERY careful

about “raw” milk! Pasteurization is done for a very good reason. This is not a new thing, but current events rather drive the point home.

Those of us who have spent time in dairies understand well that the “raw” milk may be contaminated with manure and all sorts of stuff.

An old Haitian proverb says, “If you knew what chickens eat, you wouldn’t eat chicken.” Well to modify it to an overly concrete saying, “If you knew what was in raw milk, you wouldn’t drink raw milk!”

Yep! Get it Pasteurized.


How could

you have done this?


Sometimes there

are unintended consequences…


Oh yes, there

are signs.

Again, let me say that I think electric cars make a good deal of sense in certain “niche” situations. But they are NOT very good for things outside of that niche.

Current Events Wisdom

Yeah Columbia,

THAT’s gonna leave a mark!

Oh HECK no, I wouldn’t hire them! Why would you invite chaos and disruption into your business? No. Just no.


It’s important

to realize: The tide goes out, and the tide comes back in.

That is a key point Democrats have chronically failed to realize. Harry Reid’s “nuking” of the judicial approval process is perhaps the most famous recent example, but is a defining aspect of the Left. They do it over and over.

A wise person doesn’t viciously destroy minority congressional rights one they are in power. Because at some point, they will be in the minority! They don’t change fair election procedures (such as vote harvesting, vote-by-mail, other voter fraud, etc.). For whatever reason, Democrats have long thought that they would never again be totally out of power, and that their tactics will never be used against them.

And I don’t know why. I suspect it is the overweening hubris of them thinking that they are on the “Right side of History.” They are “righteous.” The arc of history and all that. They see the tide going out and then pitch their tent on what is now the water’s edge. They just can’t imagine the tide coming in once more.

But it will. A Conservative Reagan will eventually follow a hard Left Wilson!

This short-sightedness seems to be bound up with a pervasive narcissism. What you want is right. But if you destroy minority rights because YOU hold the whip hand, what will happen when you are in the minority and the other side holds the whip hand?

So, Democrats, think hard about whether you really want to change things to maximize your power and drive it in to the hilt. Do unto others and all that, right?

Because the tide does indeed go out. But remember, it always comes back in…



this is NOT a popularity contest. You are NOT electing a prom king. Vote like an executive, not like some worker bee drone who just wants a few scraps from the master’s table…


Some quotes

From the late Roger Scruton.

On the snake-eating-its-own-tail quality of Post- Modernism:

3. Scruton on when to ignore a writer: “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative,’ is asking you not to believe him. So don’t. Deconstruction deconstructs itself, and disappears up its own behind, leaving only a disembodied smile and a faint smell of sulphur.” [emphasis added]

7. Love is the source of the conservative worldview: “The real reason people are conservatives is that they are attached to the things that they love, and want to preserve them from abuse and decay. They are attached to their family, their friends, their religion, and their immediate environment.” [emphasis added]

I would add that Conservatism is NOT about the worship of old, dead coals. It is about the preservation of fire. It is about being a historical empiricist–preserving what is tried-and-true-good rather than privileging the new simply because it is NEW and it superficially sounds good…

Lefty Violence Wisdom

Jewish people:

Arm yourselves because no one else here will save you

If Jews had been gun owners in the 1920s, the holocaust would simply have never happened. But they were defenseless against evil.

Don’t make THAT mistake again!

Culture Evil Wisdom

Well, you

would think so. But Lefty religion and tradition is a powerful thing…

Jewish Americans are going to have to make a decision – the famously Democrat-leaning minority has a big problem because many of its fellow Democrats want them dead. That’s not an exaggeration – the chant of the Democrat’s left wing is not, “From the river to the sea, the Chosen People should be happy, safe, and free.” Kind of the exact opposite. These scumbag commies are so promiscuous with lies about the Jewish people like “apartheid” and “genocide” they ought to hand out rhetorical condoms on the many college quads these loathsome heirs of the Nazis have infested.

… Jewish Democrat voters are going to need to make a choice, survival or the comfort of liberal illusions. For a long time, the reconcilable tension between the hard left and Jewish Democrats was suppressed – everyone knew it was there, but if they didn’t want to see it and wanted to keep voting for people like Joe Biden, they didn’t have to see it. Well, they are seeing it now. There’s no escaping it. Whether you’re stopped in traffic on a bridge or watching little snots rip hostage flyers off of streetlights or getting spat on and harassed on college campuses, if you’re Jewish, you’re now a target.