Culture Election Integrity

The data should

be leading to a run on TUMS among Democrat hacks.

The truth is, Republican party has always been a far more natural home for Hispanics. It is just a much better fit. So we shouldn’t be shocked to see this happen. They just aren’t a natural part of the drag-queen licentious Left!

“What you are looking at here, this is the average of every poll we have got out there that’s been taken over the last three months that looks at the Hispanic vote,” Kornacki continued. “And you put them all together, Hispanics are now voting Democratic by just 13 points, so from 38 to 21, now down in the 2022 midterm polling to a Democratic advantage of just 13 points.”

… “Hispanic voters embrace commonsense Republican policies and values that keep the American dream alive,” Morales said. “Biden and Democrats are out-of-touch and out of time.”

I think Democrats believe that can generate enough voter fraud to at least stay even, if not prevail outright. I dearly hope they are wrong…

Civil Rights

Yes, that is

exactly what I am hearing.

The more the Left foments over gun control, the more stories of a good guy with a gun come to the fore. It’s almost as if Americans are sick of the hackneyed narrative that gets hammered after every school shooting, but are hungry for not only people who exhibit bravery, but do what is necessary to save lives—whether it is theirs, or someone else’s.

Current Events

Oh yeah, things

are going just great for Joe Biden

Current Events


sinking ship.

Just this about THIS occurrence for a second–Nadler himself refuses to endorse Biden. And also his entrenched opponent, Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

THAT is what is important, here. I mean, sure, it would be hilarious to see “The Waddler” voted out of office and having to take his poopy pants elsewhere. But the truth is that there is hardly any difference between them.

And neither one will endorse Biden for 2024, Even they know Brandon is toxic and is already a lame duck!

Civil Rights Elections Freedom

Yep. People have

had enough. And it is quite clear that Biden and his cabal of corrupt lackeys would strip you of many Civil Rights if they ever have half a chance.

Let’s not give them that chance.

Despotism Freedom


would sure be nice.

Those that don’t actually have a legitimate reason for being there should be moved from DC. Those involved in agriculture, for example, should be based in Iowa–near actual, you know, farmers.

Those in charge of steel-making should be in Pittsburg. You know, near those who actually make steel!

CCRRAAAAZY idea, right?

Get the teat-suckers out of DC and you will see a massive change!

In fact, I don’t know why, with today’s technology, even Representatives and Senators need to be petty celebrities in DC rather than staying in an office in their home state. It really makes no good sense. Honestly, what benefits (to the country) ARE there in having them be in DC? It’s just hide-bound tradition in the service of self-dealing…

It’s time for some really HUGE changes. Let’s roll!

Hypocrisy Poetic Justice

How delicious!

Big-city Democrat mayors to illegal immigrants: “We want you here, just not here!” Nice…


The truth is that

it’s time.

Our ancestors have already screwed things up big-time by voting the direct election of Senators. But there is yet a chance to still fix other things.

I used to be fearful that a Convention of States would open things up to Lefty crackpots. BUT, this can have a requirement that only things that limit the central government can even be proposed.

And then any changes would have to be ratified by 38 states in order to take effect. But I think that there are only a few things that would get ratifies by 38 states.

  • Term limits for BOTH elected officers and Civil Employees
  • SCOTUS set at 9 members. NO COURT PACKING!

I think MOST people are good with those two. No others immediately come to mind for me.

Fixing the direct-election-of-Senators crap-tastic debacle would take a separate Constitutional Amendment…


Yes, the winds

are indeed shifting.

It is why wise Democrats are crapping bricks right now. Stupid ones are are just whistling past this graveyard…

Current Events

Yeah, pretty dang

tone deaf.