Buffoons Polls

All in all this

is just another brick in the wall.

Again, I think that about 33% is the “floor.” May I be wrong!

Nearly eight weeks later, the longitudinal survey now shows Biden at 34% approval level, above water in only three states, and only one has him at majority approval level.

So if YOU are still a Biden fan, let’s just say that, in the Immortal words of “Ian Faith,” you have a uh, very exclusive position!


Well, we are

STARTING to see some movement. Let’s just wait and see if it actually leads to anything. I have my doubts…

Buffoons Dishonesty

Well, he dang

well SHOULD be “rattled about it.” But it won’t change his behavior. This leopard is NOT going to change his spots! Neither will the cabal of kooks behind him.

Citing White House insiders, NBC is reporting that Biden is getting desperate for new messaging to try to turn the ship around.

Understand well, If Biden does something that looks kinda conservative, it is merely strategic. His TRUE goal is to be the biggest Lefty kook that ever there was!

Biden is reportedly furious that his staff keeps cleaning up after his gaffes, telling advisers it “undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise.

Yeah, but there IS no real authenticity! And he won the Presidency by fraud! So spare me the “authenticity” crap…

Like ALL Leftists, he depends on fraud and lies to prevent people from discovering what he really thinks. THAT is the prevailing Lefty strategy–lie about who they are and don’t let the people actually choose between options.

Have you ever met a “mainstream” Democrat who didn’t lie about his or her positions? I never have. There are a few from overwhelmingly Lefty districts who can afford to show who they really are, but not many can electorally afford to let their Lefty Freak Flags fly!

Look, they are lying to you!

Biden-induced misery Wisdom


showing some good sense.

I’m so old I remember, circa 2018, when the United States regularly showed good sense. Ah! May those days return!

And IF there are free and fair elections, they will. Most Americans have had enough of this crap–they are too wise! Now that they have drunk out of the bitter cup of Lefty nonsense, most are not eager to again stain their lips…

Those who have lived behind the “Iron Curtain” often know a bit better than those of us who have had freedom and wisdom WELL beyond memory!

Hungary’s Minister of Justice has told Breitbart News that Western Europe has been gripped by “madness” on gender identity, but that her country will not allow such ideas to be taught to children.


So what we ALL

knew would happen did indeed happen. Sussmann is, in the words of another famous Lefty, “Guilty as Hell–free as a bird.

It is a bitter pill for those of us who value Justice. But hardly unexpected, given who was on the jury and the corruption inherent with these guys.

“I mean, he (Sussmann) is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury.”

The issue I have is contempt for the justice system itself. Sussmann very clearly lied to the FBI. Even he doesn’t dispute that. The ONLY issue was whether the lie was pertinent to an FBI investigation. But the is NO disagreement from anyone about whether he lied or not.

And the trial picked up a rock with a lot of creepy-crawly things under it, including Hillary’s malfeasance! And it really stinks.

But if Sussmann and Hillary Clinton aren’t subject to the law, why am I? Is it really just all about who you know and who you are? Isn’t there equal protection under the law?

Or am I just hopelessly naïve?