
Leftists have been

dumb and have been willing to injure all of us! And far too many many “Republicans” and RINOs have only too willingly gone bleatingly along.

Throw ALL the bastards out! ALL OF THEM!

They have been both stupid and evil. Now we should send them to the land of kicking road apples.

Way to go, Biden voters. Way to go…


Know your

science! Don’t be a knuckle-dragging rube…

Current Events


Culture Humor

I think it’s

pretty dang important for companies to heed the warning.

The truth is, they are NOT the vanguard of American culture. They are not the caboose either, but more like the first car after the engine.

And not understanding that has been devastating. I mean, how long will it now take Disney to recover? Will it ever? They chose… poorly.

It appears leadership at the streaming service have suddenly realized what the left has been feeding them isn’t health food—it’s cyanide. Netflix has acted to save itself and that means quickly and definitively ending it’s love affair with wokeism by laying-off at least 150 employees they had previously hired to work on woke programming and issued a memo to its staff rebuking censorship. 

Yeah WOW! Netflix said:

If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.

It doesn’t get much clearer than that, now does it?

Comedy skewers pompous dogma. Which is why the Left hates it and why states like the USSR and East Germany were so famously un-funny! Just see “The Lives Of Others.”

Most good comedy thrashes sacred cows, and it ALL depends on a sort of verbal mis-direction. Comedy is the antithesis of “concrete,” and needs a puffed up and self-important object. So rigid ideologies are a prime target. Thus, the Left hates it!

The Left can’t abide looking ridiculous. They know well that ridicule destroys their authority. And it therefore can’t abide humor. It simply can’t afford to laugh at itself!

Captain Obvious

Gonna be

a cold winter in England!

Yeah, THIS is what happens when you depend on “green” energy sources! Sure, Russia is the proximate cause, but it is a major problem because of stupid “green” policies!

The people suffer and die under crappy gov’t. Tale as old as time, my friend, tale as old as time…

Current Events

But wait!

There’s more!

Current Events

Did Kirk just

kill “green” energy?

Bad Faith

Look, the police

are there to protect the guilty every bit as much as they are to protect the innocent. Because if parents get to a school shooter before the police do, they will tear him limb from limb! Let’s just say that there will be no need for a trial…

And the current situation only makes it worse. No doubt, the police were cowards. And it is doubly dangerous because when parents see that the police are cowards, they want to do it themselves! They see the bad faith and want to correct it. In the near future, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see one parent drawing away police while another goes and deals with the shooter.

And Heaven help anyone who tries to prevent it!

Current Events

Well, what

did you expect?

Current Events

Have we hit

rock bottom? Stay tuned…