
May it

be so.

Corruption Current Events

Honestly, I

am shocked. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

I guess, thinking about it, I’m not particularly surprised…

Epic fail Political philosophy

The bastardization

is the 17th amendment–the direct election of Senators. Actually, if there were ONE thing I would change about or system of government it would the this. And it wouldn’t even be close!

See, originally this was a four-part government. It was (ahem!) made up of four mutually-limiting parts:

The House of Representatives was the people’s house. The people directly elected Representatives. The term was for only TWO years, so as to give the people as much power to correct things as possible.

The Senate represented the state. Senators were chosen only indirectly by the people and the formal voting was, naturally, by the state congress. They did NOT represent the people directly, but were there to represent the state. And they therefore had a rotating 7-year term of office.

So they were a “check” on the House. And this represented the Founding Father’s strong desire to separate powers.

The President was also directly elected. For four years. He or she was kind of a “bridge” between the two congressional entities.

The Supreme Court (ideally) did not legislate at all, but merely reviewed the actions of the other governmental entities to make sure they adhered to the Constitution.

So a new law had to be acceptable to the people, to the states, be signed by the President, and be found Constitutional by the Supreme Court. Separation of powers.

The 17th amendment screwed that all up. NOW the House and the Senate were not structurally different at all! The States lost all representation. The Senate became just the House with longer terms and a tradition of the Filibuster.

It was a TOTAL mistake! And that’s not how it was originally (and wisely) set up. Our ancestors made a HUGE mistake in changing that!



Huh. So just why

does he suddenly no longer want to talk?

Do you really not understand?

Moral Agency Technology

We can’t even

make a truly self-driving car. Think about that before you wig out.

Look, compiling is not creating. There is a gap (and I think it is almost for sure rooted in moral agency).  There are things to act, and things to be acted upon. And the leap from computation to moral agency is not just large, they are two fundamentally different tracks! Thus, as they used to say in downtown Boston, “You can’t get there from here…”

The bottom line is that the computer is not a moral agent at all, no matter how fast it is or how big the database. Humans, OTOH, are. 

I think this mistake is rooted the biological reductionism so prevalent in all sorts of Psychology and even now in popular culture. But that reductionism is, even theoretically, wrong.

And the battle is, unsurprisingly, yet again about moral agency itself. Shocker…


Yeah, just


Current Events




I’ve been around for a

very long time. And this has the exact same kind of “vibes” as the past “Satanic sex abuse/repressed memory” fad had.

Like that mania, it just takes a few practitioners to be successfully sued for it to stop. Still, it is a horrible tragedy that people will be damaged until then. But so it is…

Just you watch, an estranged parent (usually a father) gets angry and sues. Sues the surgeon, the hospital, and even the office staff. And the schoolteachers who openly egged it on. It will be EPIC!

But I gotta tell you, practitioners hate being sued! Because even if they eventually prevail, the process IS the punishment…

Current Events

If I were a betting man,

I would bet that the Biden Boondoggle™ won’t happen. Yeah, maybe I’m wrong, but I just don’t think it can stand up to the social and legal challenges.

Freedom Leftugees

Not at all

surprising, now is it?

Funny how people move to where they are NOT treated like crap, eh? No wonder people are fleeing Lefty Hell-holes! Now, they need to remember what made the “Leftugees” in the first place!